First expulsion of criminal refugees to Kabul

First expulsion of criminal refugees to Kabul
First expulsion of criminal refugees to Kabul

Last Friday, the Migration Secretariat (SEM) informed the cantons of the recent expulsion of two criminal Afghan refugees, reports today’s “SonntagsBlick”: the two men, definitively sentenced, were sent back by airline flight. They received 500 francs of pocket money each to help them get started in their country. These are “serious offenders” who “represent a problem for Switzerland’s internal security.

“For serious offenders, zero tolerance is required,” confirmed the vice-director of the SEM, Vincenzo Mascioli to the Sunday newspaper. For data protection reasons, no details of their crimes are communicated. But the SEM indicates that the return operation, “a pilot project”, was a success. And that he wishes to expel “as quickly as possible” all Afghans who have committed serious crimes, numbering 13. The date of their expulsion “depends on various factors over which we partly have no influence”, further indicates Vincenzo Mascioli.

The SEM does not want to reveal details of the referrals already made “for tactical reasons”. According to “SonntagsBlick”, the two men could have been sent back to Kabul via Istanbul by a Turkish Airlines scheduled flight. Berne had already used the Turkish company, notably during repatriations to Mogadishu, in Somalia. And an Ankara-based SEM collaborator could support referrals to Kabul from Turkey.




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