Ille-et-Vilaine: after 2 years of work, the tower of this castle is revealed


Florian Puche

Published on

May 15, 2024 at 5:27 p.m.

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It’s officially the end of a construction site which the Vitreans were able to follow from afar. There Montafilant tower of the Château de Vitré is completed.

After being surrounded for many months by protective netsthis tower located at the northwest end of the castle has had a facelift.

A breathtaking view of the Vilaine valley. ©Le Journal de Vitré

First studies in 2011

It was in 2011 that a study made it possible to establish a diagnosis of the state of conservation of the tower.

Results: “Weathered facings and fractured stones at the crowning level. These significant alterations were partly due to the poor quality of the masonry, but also to successive restorations,” indicates Isabelle Le Callennec, mayor of the town, referring in particular to the last renovation dating from the beginning of the 20th century and led by architect Paul Gout.

Following these findings“the restoration of the Montafilant tower was an emergency intervention,” continues Isabelle Le Callennec.

The Montafilant tower has freed itself from its protective nets. ©Le Journal de Vitré

€952,000 of work

The work began in September 2022 with the objective of restoring the exteriors, reinstalling a monumental schist parapet at the top of the tower, a devegetation campaign on the facings, rejoining all of the masonry with lime mortar, repeat the joinery and the shale window frames and revise the cover of the stair turret. All for a total cost of €952,000.

And after two and a half years work, the result is worthy of the investment. From the bottom of the tower, passers-by can see outlines almost Like new and from the top the schist parapet has its effect. Without forgetting the unmissable point of view throughout the north and west part of the city.

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Montafilant Tower Vitré Castle
At the top of the tower, Thomas Gatel, head of the heritage department, explains the work that has taken place. ©Le Journal de Vitré

“An impregnable site”

Thomas Gatel, head of the heritage department, does not hide his satisfaction when talking about the restoration of this tower. And he doesn’t hesitate to share a few anecdotes:

We are on an impregnable site with this clear and elevated view. Moreover, the castle of Vitré was never taken. We can see that from this tower, we overlook the Vilaine and at the time, there was another stream on the other side of the castle. A more marshy area that could be observed from this tower.

Thomas Gatel
Montafilant tour Château de Vitré
Behind the renovated parapet, we overlook the entire western part of the city. ©Le Journal de Vitré

As a reminder, the Château de Vitré has been classified monument in 1872 and today, it houses the town hall and a museum tracing the history of the Middle Ages.

Isabelle Le Callennec finished by specifying “that other renovation projects were going to be organized at the Saint-Martin church, at the châtelet and that work on the future of the castle courtyard will be carried out. »

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