Filmed in a high school in Seine-et-, this rap clip against school bullying is a hit on YouTube

Filmed in a high school in Seine-et-, this rap clip against school bullying is a hit on YouTube
Filmed in a high school in Seine-et-Marne, this rap clip against school bullying is a hit on YouTube


Geoffrey Faucheux

Published on

Oct. 12 2024 at 6:42 p.m

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It’s a name that necessarily speaks to younger people, probably less to our older readers. However, at only 13 years old, MANNS has already been dubbed by big names in French rap such as Fianso, Sadek and even Booba. Specialist in freestyles, it’s a clip like no other like the young artist with more than 700,000 subscribers on YouTube revealed on his channel on September 21. Titled Tomorrow will be betterthis one is none other than an ode against school bullyingwhich was filmed in André Malraux high school from Montereau-Fault-Yonne.

“The type of project I like to support”

An adventure that began last May, a bit by chance: “The production was looking for a school to shoot the clip. MANNS being from Île-de-, his team wanted it to be in the sector. Through common knowledge and knowing that it is the type of project I like to supportthey came closer to me,” explains Betty Thorinthen assistant principal of the Monterelais high school (today replacing as principal at the Thibaut de Champagne high school, in Provins).

After discovering the lyrics of the song, strong words which invite awareness to fight against the scourge of bullying at school, Betty Thorin did not hesitate for long: “I found that it made absolute sense at the Malraux high school and I therefore quickly asked for approval from my head of school, who gave me the green light,” she says.

However, the filming date being set for Sunday June 16 and the first contact having been made on May 24, we had to act quickly, very quickly: “I had to obtain, in a few weeks, all the necessary authorizations at the level of the Academy and the Region”, explains Betty Thorin .

On D-day, these are around forty people who presented themselves at the Malraux high school. Film crew, extras, but also close to the extras, sometimes coming from the other side of France.

“What really surprised me was that the extras, fans he had asked to participate in the clip, came from very far away with their families. Some came from the north of Francefrom and even from ,” she is surprised.

Video used by teachers

A day that went perfectly: “They had come upstream to do some scouting. We had agreed on the locations used for filming. And then, since I had the keys to everything and was on site, we were able to make the small adjustments necessary. It started around 9 a.m. and ended a little after 6 p.m. It remains a superb experience with a very nice team and very open to discussion, including the young MANNS”, rejoices Betty Thorin.

The clip having been filmed in a cinematographic way, it is sometimes difficult to recognize precisely the locations used. But for those who are curious to know which places in the high school appear in the 3 min 20 video, we will note: the gymnasium, a classroom in building H (under the boarding school), the canteen, the corridor of the main building, the lockers in the printing section and the toilets in the main building.

And the least we can say is that the project seems to have received unanimous support within the Monterel educational community: “When I showed the rendering to the teachers, they really liked it and some were happy. are seized of it by saying thatthey were going to show it to their studentsothers even plan to use it for very specific projects,” says the current principal of the Thibault de Champagne high school.

But in addition to this unusual project, numerous actions are carried out by the André Malraux high school on a daily basis to fight against school bullying. Last year, around fifteen teachers were trained to become referents for this theme within the establishment. Of the question boxes will also soon be installed in classes to allow students to express themselves freely.

More occasionally, on November 7, the date of the national day against school bullying, several events will take place within the school grounds: “There will be a expression frescoconcerts by the music club with songs that address the theme and a escape game intended for all 3 year old studentse professional prep and second general and technological, i.e. more than 400 students”, list Gilles Becquetprincipal of the André Malraux high school.

“Together we can make a difference”

Later in the school year, a prevention video competition harassment will be organized by the high school students’ center and we hope that the best video represents the high school in the national “No to harassment” competition. Finally, a listening cell composed of students and teachers is also being considered.

“No one should feel alone or broken because of the words or actions of others. I hope this piece can inspire and give strength to anyone who needs it. Together we can make a difference and say no to harassment. Thank you all for your support, let’s continue to fight for a better tomorrow,” concludes MANNS.

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