Depression Kirk: State of natural disaster (accelerated procedure) – News

Depression Kirk: State of natural disaster (accelerated procedure) – News
Depression Kirk: State of natural disaster (accelerated procedure) – News

Updated on 12/10/2024

Floods October 2024 – Accelerated natural disaster recognition procedure

The General Directorate of Civil Security and Crisis Management has decided to set up a procedure for recognizing the state of accelerated natural disaster for the benefit of the municipalities of Seine-et- affected by flooding by runoff or overflow. rivers between October 8 and 11. This procedure aims to enable the adoption of decisions recognizing the state of natural disaster more quickly than in the ordinary procedure for the benefit of municipalities which have suffered a natural phenomenon of exceptional magnitude and whose abnormal intensity makes few doubts.

Also, for municipalities which have not yet done so and to enable them to register in this procedure, they are invited to submit their request via the ICatNat platform:, pour THURSDAY 17 october17p.m. at the latest.

Below you will find the deposit modalities:

Mayor user manual how-to-connect-to-icatnat

Information and documents to be collected by the municipality

Municipal authority declaration template

Note that:

  • Only applications filed for flooding will be processed under this accelerated procedure (Runoff-A2, River overflow-A1). Municipal requests submitted late or relating to other phenomena (ground movements, rising water tables, etc.) will be processed during the following interministerial commissions in the normal procedure.
  • For other phenomena which could have occurred due to bad weather between October 8 and 11, 2024, namely flooding due to the rise of the water table (A3) or land movements (D): the classic procedure for recognizing the state of natural disaster will apply and the files submitted will be processed by an interministerial commission at the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025.
  • Requests from municipalities which arrive after October 17, 2024 will also be processed within the framework of the classic procedure with the consequence that the decision will be made within a longer period of time.
  • The interministerial commission which will meet on Tuesday October 22 to rule on the files submitted will only issue favorable opinions recognizing the state of natural disaster OR notices of adjournment of the files. If a file were to be adjourned, this does not mean that a recognition of the state of natural disaster will not take place in absolute terms, but that the file will return to the ordinary procedure. due to the need for the interministerial commission to have more in-depth expert reports from Météo- or other required expert services.

Documents listed:



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