Seine-et-: The and Gondoire Heat Network. A major project that should change everything!

The and Gondoire Heat Network, a regional project. For several years, the Urban Community breathed a dynamic around renewable energies. Installation of photovoltaic panels, crowdfunding campaign or even transition fund… Marne and Gondoire is massively committed to meeting the challenges of tomorrow. Friday September 20, 2024, the brand new boiler room of the Chaleur Network was inaugurated. A major project that should change everything… Explanations.

The Heat Network, an ecological and environmental project. For several years, the project of a Heat Network is being considered on the territory. “ This idea of ​​the Heat Network has been in my head (and in that of the elected officials of Marne and Gondoire) for a very long time. It’s true that it took a while, we had to shake up habits (and a certain immobility)… We arrived there recently a few years ago. I salute President Christian Robache (from SIETREM) who took the bull by the horns. » For several months, the work greatly disrupted traffic in the city. A project that has not gone unnoticed since it has already proven itself… Did you know? The first heat deliveries were delivered in 2023. « A superbly successful bet thanks to collective work, it comes from a very strong political decision because nothing is done simply in our beautiful country. Behind it, funding had to be found. ADEME provided a lot of support to this project, including industry players such as Dalkia. with a whole host of companies that dig, install boilers and manage them. » Exceptional know-how which is entirely made available to our planet and its inhabitants. And what’s more, it allows us to save some money!

Jean-Paul MichelPresident of Marne et Gondoire, is on the microphone of Crazy Radio

The Heat Network, before and after. Is this project really necessary? Well yes! Particularly committed to the environmental aspect, the Urban Community continues to be exemplary. “ We, Marne and Gondoire, we have environmental objectives with commitments that we have madein particular to reduce our consumption and our release of greenhouse gases, therefore, we work there every day. There, it’s really successful. We have taken a big step towards our goals. » On Friday September 20, 2024, the brand new boiler room of the Chaleur Network was inaugurated. Equipment that allows heat that was previously lost to the air to be reused. “ The SIETREM site produces heat by burning household waste, but it has been doing so for many years. From now on, the pipes serve residential buildings but also public buildings, swimming pools (one in Lagny, tomorrow in Bussy-Saint-Georges), all public facilities will be connected to the Heat Network (by mid-2025). » Thanks to a long-term political vision, the Urban Community already meets the challenges of tomorrow. “ The reality today is that they will have cheaper and more efficient heating in collective buildings. We are going to make considerable savings on our energy bills… It’s really a huge step that we’ve just taken. ! » Concrete savings made by municipalities and SIETREM which should be redistributed to environmental projects. “ Municipal resources have diminished and energy costs have exploded. We need to maintain a service to the population (daily but also for future investments). ” underlines Jean-Paul Michel.

« It was indeed a matter of political decision and a matter of motivation to achieve this result. ! »

Marne and Gondoire, the hummingbird that acts. Every day, the Urban Community think first about your planet (and its environment). How ? With several actions! “ It’s all a whole, it’s not just the Heat Network, it’s a whole process in progress that we see coming to fruition including the installation of photovoltaic panels in the swimming pool parking lot. » Today, communities must all save energy. In Marne and Gondoiremunicipalities are facing it collectively! “ Our intermunicipality has taken the subject in hand to support municipalities in their effortsthey are not that obvious on a technical, project management or investment aspect. ” Lately, a transition fund of 1.5 million euros was budgeted to finance 50% of concrete projects. “ There are many more steps to take in the years to come! » The realization of the project Heat Network ? A big step forward! “ It is our Olympic Games to have succeeded in mobilizing around a subject which is very complicated to implement: desires, technical skills and know-how. All this, with joy and good humor ! » A project that could not be done without the understanding (and patience) of traders and local residents impacted by the work.

Jean-Paul MichelPresident of Marne and Gondoire and Benoit Guiblinregional director of Dalkia (Ile-de-), are on the microphone of Crazy Radio

What is the benefit for the resident? The layout of the Heat Network does not cost the taxpayer a penny! A considerable asset. “ Already, it is self-financing. Clearly, there is no public money for the Heat Network. It is a concessionaire, the company Dalkia, which has a 25-year will amortize its work costs over 25 years. » From its design to its construction, the Dalkia company will be on all fronts. “ It’s us who are going make the network work and that it distributes heat (in buildings and homes). » What does this equipment look like? « The Chaleur Network must be 18km long, it circulates in the streets of the Marne and Gondoire region. We have already done 14km, we still have 4km to go. We can see the end of it, everything will be finished in October 2025. » First operator of Heat network in Ile-de-France, Dalcia operates nearly sixty of them. Particularly dynamic on his subjects, the Urban Community impresses his partners. “ Marne and Gondoire, it is truly a territory which has registered this project as an object of urban development and which has brought together all the wishes policies. It’s absolutely remarkable! When that happens, we actually have a project that comes to fruition.. » A project which should reduce heating bills and stabilize prices in the face of fluctuations in fossil fuels. “ It was absolutely necessary because This allows you to avoid consuming gas in individual installations (fossil fuels) therefore, it allows us to reduce CO² emissions which we know contribute to global warming. The Heat Network is a tool for decarbonizing the territory. » Very concretely, 16,000 tonnes of CO² are saved per year (the equivalent of 9,000 cars that are taken off the road).

« You have to imagine it as a blood network that irrigate the city. Basically, that’s what the Heat Network is ! »

The Heat Network should heat the swimming pool, the media library and even the schools. How does it work? “ Waste is burned for destruction, when you burn waste, it releases heat. Instead of going to the little birds, this heat is recovered in the water which circulates in the pipes. ” Currently, nine buildings are already connected at the Chaleur Network (such as the Espace Charles Vanel or the Leclerc gymnasium). In mid-November, fourteen additional structures should be connected (like the Town Hall, Parc, the Thierry Rey gymnasium or even the Paul Bert school). 1,513 housing units would benefit from the Chaleur Network, with a long-term objective of 3,800 housing units. Today, 92% of the heat emitted comes from the network. “ The remaining 8% comes from this boiler room that we inaugurated just now. It is a supplement with gas, biogas in this case (to get to 100%). » A boiler room which allows Heat Network to function correctly. Previously, buildings had their own installations… Now, it is hot water that circulates in the network which supplies the buildings. “ The boiler room did not exist before, it is new, we built it. We don’t inaugurate a new network every day. We are inaugurating a presence in Marne and Gondoire which will remain for 25 years. We can be happy about that! In a professional city, it’s still nice to be able to celebrate this kind of moment. » A small stone in the building to collectively fight against global warming.

Christian RobachePresident of SIETREM, is at the microphone of Crazy Radio

An exemplary territory. In the four corners of Seine-et-Marne, elected officials are all thinking about preparing our territory for the challenges of tomorrow. In the Urban Community of Marne and Gondoirethis dynamic is being written on all fronts. A policy that appealed to the Dalkia company! « There is a real territorial dynamic, I think we can say that. This Heat Network there… It’s nice to hear from the residents who are involved in the project. They themselves donate their piece to the building, it’s really an object of pride. » Residents and traders who were particularly impacted by the work, particularly on the main roads of Lagny. “ I thank the residents for this impatience and understanding. The inhabitants very quickly understood the interest of the thing. I thank the traders very much, they are less directly impacted by the positivebut especially for major work. » Patience praised by elected officials, partners and companies dedicated to the Heat Network project.

SIETREM, the union that thinks before acting. How does the union anticipate government expectations? Quite simply: by listening to the expectations of the field (and its needs). “ This is the realization of a long-standing project! I am very, very proud of it because it was very hard negotiations with a goal that is finally being achieved. Jean-Paul Michel was an important actor. SIETREM too, SUEZ was a facilitator and then the partner Dalkia did things properly. I think it’s a good cause, especially with the energy crisis we are experiencing.. » A whole team that worked together for the well-being of its territory. A technical project which was under study for a long time (until the arrival of Christian Robache as president of SIETREM)… before the work was launched. “ We must support our cities and towns. That’s what we’re here for! The teams work together, it’s a real source of pride! I am very proud of the elected officials, the partners and SIETREM (as always). It’s important that the territory moves ! ” On the Heat Network projectelected officials and operators are on the same wavelength. A dynamic that serves the territory!

The work on the Heat Network should be completed in October 2025. The boiler room has already been delivered, to premises located near SIETREM (Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes). A project entirely financed by Dalkia, the company which will operate it for 25 years. The Heat Network (which extends over 18km of pipes) allows all the municipalities of Marne and Gondoire to save money.



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