SENEGAL-AFRICA-ENVIRONNEMENT / Mbour: march for better consideration of the aspirations of African people at Cop 29 – Senegalese press agency

Saly, Oct 10 (APS) – More than 300 women activists and community leaders from around 22 countries in West and Central Africa demonstrated on Wednesday in Saly (Mbour West), for better consideration of aspirations of the African peoples at the 29th conference of the parties on the climate, noted the APS.

”In a few days, we will hold COP-29. Unfortunately in this meeting it is the heads of state who participate to make decisions on the regularization of the environment, while the impacted, the most vulnerable are not invited and among them women and young people,” said Fatou Samba vice-president of the NGO Synergy of light for development.

This is why, she added, “in Senegal, we decided to hold a counter-COP to make our grievances known as the countries will do in Azerbaijan”.

Ms. Samba took part in the peaceful march “for climate justice for impacted people” initiated by women activists and community leaders from West and Central Africa.

The 2024 Conference on Climate Change or COP 29 will take place from November 11 to 22, 2024 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is an initiative of the United Nations.

”In Africa, there is a lot of injustice that communities experience. This is why we initiated this peaceful march in Senegal to draw the attention of the whole world to the problems faced by women in Africa,” she continued.

At the end of this peaceful march a memorandum was sent to the prefectural authorities of Mbour.

”Global warming is unfortunately a global phenomenon,” noted Babacar Dièye, the deputy prefect of Mbour, stressing that ”Africa is one of the continents which are most suffering the disastrous consequences” of this warming phenomenon. .

”In Senegal, the government has always been committed to fighting global warming through several protocols that have been signed. And at the local level, the prefecture is committed to supporting associations that work to protect the planet,” recalled Mr. Dièye.




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