: The Region wants to facilitate access to training

: The Region wants to facilitate access to training
Reunion: The Region wants to facilitate access to training

By CM de Condinguy – October 9, 2024.

The Vocational Training Month, launched by the Regional Council of , which was held from September 6 to October 7, 2024, aimed to promote and inform about the opportunities that the professional training course can bring. During this period, meetings, workshops and seminars were organized throughout Reunion.

A bus also circulated in the region to allow young people to find out about the different possible routes for better orientation.

On October 7, 2024, a restitution of the results of the various actions carried out during the month was organized. An online survey, to which more than 900 people responded, as well as public workshops, seminars and local meetings, made it possible to draw up an initial assessment. These consultations aimed to better understand the needs in terms of professional training in all the micro-regions of the island and to adapt the regional offer to the expectations of the population.

Initial analyzes of the online survey show that almost half of the participants are job seekers, while 14% are already employed and 12% are still students. Among people who have followed training financed by the Region, satisfaction is generally positive with an average score of 3.7 out of 5. However, a quarter of respondents (27%) expressed expectations regarding an improvement in post-training follow-up. , and more than half want the training offer to be better adapted to local realities, both in terms of content and accessibility.

Faced with these findings, the Region, which has injected nearly 100 million euros into professional training this year, wants to intensify its efforts to facilitate access to training. Huguette Bello, president of the Réunion Region, recalled the importance of this approach, declaring that the objective is to “make access to training simpler, more fluid and more inclusive”.

Source : Zinfos 974, October 7, 2024



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