Morocco, pioneer of automatic audience measurement in Africa

Morocco, pioneer of automatic audience measurement in Africa
Morocco, pioneer of automatic audience measurement in Africa

Morocco is positioning itself as a leader in Africa with its automatic audience measurement system, as revealed by Youssef Cheikhi, president of the Groupement des advertisers du Maroc (GAM). Speaking at the African Digital Summit, which opened Tuesday in Casablanca, Cheikhhi also announced the imminent launch of the second version of this system, the fruit of the efforts of the Interprofessional Media Audience Center (CIAUMED).

“Morocco is the only country to have an automatic audience measurement system in Africa”declared the president of GAM, noting that the second version of this system “will be launched soon thanks to the work that has been done within the framework of the Interprofessional Media Audience Center, an economic group which brings together the GAM, communication agencies through the Union of Communication Consulting Agencies (UACC), advertising agencies and broadcasters”.

This progress, he said, was made possible thanks to the dynamism and mobilization of the previous and current GAM offices, which allowed the emergence of a “a number of projects that have changed or are changing advertising practices in Morocco”.

Furthermore, the president of GAM underlined that this edition of the African digital summit is of particular importance since it coincides with the launch of the ambitious strategy “Digital Morocco 2030”which aims to position Morocco as a digital hub.

This edition of the ADS, he adds, also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the GAM, which was created as an association of advertisers to represent them and defend their interests, and which has evolved over the years to become a real platform bringing together all the players in marketing, communication, digital and media.

And to point out that the program for this edition is structured around eight major thematic axes. “Among the key subjects, you will find digital marketing, branding, retail media, gaming, as well as sports marketing. These themes will be explored through keynotes, interactive panels, Fireside Chats and masterclasses led by the greatest experts in the sector. This year, we have the honor of welcoming industry giants such as Amazon Web Services, Google, TikTok, Microsoft, and many others, who will come to share their visions and expertise”he explained.

This year, AI is at the heart of ADS discussions, with panels, keynotes, masterclasses and fireside chats that will highlight how AI is transforming marketing and communications.

Experts will share their perspectives on optimizing consumer interactions and improving advertising campaigns, while highlighting the importance of a more inclusive and efficient society.

Spanning two days, the 6th African Digital Summit offers a rich and diverse program, addressing key digital issues. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in plenary lectures and interactive sessions with experts, which will cover topics such as the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing, emerging technology trends, as well as challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation.

In-depth discussions will also be held around issues of energy infrastructure, talent management and innovation in the African digital ecosystem. The event will highlight innovative solutions through presentations and practical demonstrations, while providing spaces for dialogue to strengthen links between the different digital players on the African continent.



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