traffic disrupted in two streets until mid-June

traffic disrupted in two streets until mid-June
traffic disrupted in two streets until mid-June

The extension of the urban heat network, started on April 29, 2024 in Mayenne, continues. The work aims to extend an existing network of 1.5 km, powered by a wood boiler located within the grounds of the Mayenne hospital, so that it reaches 9 km.

The objective: to provide heat (hot water and heating) to 40 collective buildings on both sides of the city. Trenches are dug to lay pipes where hot water will circulate, under roads, before being plugged.

Read also: Duration, cost, impact on traffic… Everything you need to know about the heat network work in Mayenne

Diversions for vehicles

Rue Pasteur, traffic will be prohibited from Monday May 13 to Tuesday June 11. Diversions will be put in place: for light vehicles, via rue du Pavé-Morin; for heavy goods vehicles, via rue de la Chouane. Only bus traffic is maintained from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. between rue Parmentier and the Mac-Racken bridge.

Rue Guyard-de-la-Fosse, traffic will be prohibited from May 13 to Friday June 14, in the part between Place Gambetta and Rue Madame-de-Sévigné.




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