Seine-et-: The Ile-de- Region distributes computers to high school students to start the year off on the right foot!

Equal opportunities, much more than a slogan. Since 2019, the Ile-de- regioncarried by Valérie Pécressehas decided to offer all second year students: a laptop. Friday September 27, 2024the second year students of Emily Brontë high school of Lognes received their new work tool. This year, the Ile-de-France Region is investing 900 euros in each high school student. Key measures that improve the purchasing power of Ile-de-France residents.

More than 140,000 computers have been distributed. It’s a nice back-to-school surprise! When they returned to class, some did not expect to leave with a nice gift. Friday September 27, 2024the second year students of Emily Brontë high school of Lognes all received their new work tool: a laptop. “ This is an important moment for the Region but also for the students, the Region has decided to provide computers so that there is equal opportunity when entering second grade (and for all their schooling). There are children who don’t yet have one at home. These are computers on which there are already applications loaded (sometimes even textbooks). » In their library, high school students discover l’application Oriane (dedicated to orientation) and the QIOZ platform to improve or learn a new foreign language (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Chinese). “ What is important is that all students have the same computer so that they can begin to familiarize themselves. Today, we see it clearly, whatever the profession, you cannot escape it. When entering second grade, all students must have a computer.. » For the first time ever, students were able to connect with the help of an instructor. A few minutes later, they return to class with an already working computer!

Nathalie TortratRegional Advisor (Ile-de-France Region), is on the microphone of Crazy Radio

An educational tool and workspace. With or without an internet connection, young high school students can now work independently. “ The first computers were less sophisticated. In everyday life too, they are improving… After a few years, you very quickly have an obsolete computer. This computer is given to them for their schooling, they must take care of it (from second to final year). Afterwards, they belong to them. » Listening to parents and students, the Ile-de-France region decided to improve these computers. Today, the storage capacity has been increased. « Once we had downloaded a textbook or two… Very quickly, we no longer had any memory. We have more memory, the processors are thinner so it goes faster when lighting. » By touring the schools, elected officials of the Ile-de-France Region trying to send messages. HAS Lognes, Nathalie Tortrat reminded students that communities have always stood by them. “ Nothing is free, there is always someone who pays. These computers are not free, it is important to know that they are offered by the Region. CIt is important to know that the establishment in which they are is an establishment which belongs to the Region. I make it a point of honor to make them understand that from a very young age, each establishment depends on a community. » The computer is estimated at 600 euros. A colossal investment for every high school student! Did you know? It was the Unowhy company that imagined it! « It is important to emphasize this, it is a company from the Ile-de-France region that created and designed themeven if the assembly is not done in France. » A strong message underlined by Valérie Pécresse (a speech broadcast on computers) which supports Made in France.

A flagship measure to increase the purchasing power of Ile-de-France residents. In class, you must have noticed that there were one or two students who took their lessons on their laptops… Today, the Ile-de-France Region reduces inequalities by giving them the same equipment. “ I have been elected for three years, I have always known her computers, I know she had done it before. It’s a choice on her part (Valérie Pécresse), I think it’s a good choice. Once again… Today, everything is computerized, you cannot imagine continuing your education without having access to a computer. » A saving of approximately 1,000 euros per high school student for 3 years of education. To support families, the Region deploys other devices. “ LABAZ is still an application that is not that old… It allows all students to benefit from subsidies. You can have 100 euros for the purchase of a mechanical bike (400 euros for an electric bike), 100 euros reimbursement on the Imagine’R card and 100 euros for sporting and cultural activities (following club registration). ” explain Nathalie Tortrat.

« Politics is not what they hear on television (with bickering). I am pleased to say that there are 520 mayors in Seine-et-, we are not all rotten. We don’t do this for glory, we really want to serve the population. To be elected, I think you have to love people, otherwise, it’s not worth it. » Daily on the ground, local institutions can count on the dedication and attentive ear of Nathalie Tortrat, Mayor of Gouvernes and Councilor for the Ile-de-France Region.



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