A “clean” Tour de France in Haute-Marne

A “clean” Tour de France in Haute-Marne
A “clean” Tour de France in Haute-Marne

Colombey is preparing to host the Tour de France. Managing waste is a priority when we expect nearly 15,000 spectators.

On July 6, the Tour de France 2024 will cross Haute-Marne with an arrival near the Croix de Lorraine, in Colombey-les-Deux-Églises. So we’re pulling out all the stops on the community side. “It doesn’t cost us very much, 20,000 euros,” However, says Pascal Babouot, the mayor of Colombey. During this 8e stage, the runners will pass through 19 communes of Haute-Marne before reaching Colombey. And there will be people at the side of the road! The organizers are counting on 15,000 spectators. Some will arrive the day before, others will have lunch there or take the opportunity to visit the surrounding area. You must then plan to dispose of the waste.

Finishing line

This is where the Sded comes in. The union that manages household waste is on the front line. Some 177 bins will be needed for an amount of 17,000 euros. “We sense emulation within the services”indicates Jean-Marc Fèvre, president of Sded. “We will also attach particular importance to the hills of the course where, potentially, the public will be the most numerous”, underlines for his part François-Xavier Deschervois, the DGS of Sded. Thus, in Santenoge, Giey-sur-Aujon and Meures,


Complete article to be found in our May 10, 2024 edition or on our online store!




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