canoe rental companies disappointed because it is impossible to navigate the Dordogne

canoe rental companies disappointed because it is impossible to navigate the Dordogne
canoe rental companies disappointed because it is impossible to navigate the Dordogne

“It is the prefecture which manages navigation on the Dordogne, when it is above 1.5 meters at the Cénac bridge, we cannot navigate. » Gilles Ouardi rents canoes in Vitrac, in Périgord Noir. For ten days, his boats have remained at the dock. The fault is a water level too high for navigation on the river. A situation which worsened further during the night of Wednesday 8 to Thursday 9 May.

“We were told that there would be a 40 centimeter rise in water levels,” explains the canoe rental company. We found ourselves with almost 1 meter of water. »

As a result, parking lots and vehicles found themselves underwater. Add to that the great Ascension Bridge, the sun finally returning and you have reason to be sickened. “For us, these days are the equivalent of the month of August in terms of attendance,” says Gilles Ouardi. So, yes, there is a big shortfall. As I speak to you, the Dordogne is at 3.6 meters at Cénac, so it has to go down 2.10 meters before we can navigate. »

The rain returns

Not to mention that the weather forecast is calling for rain next week. “These are the hazards of outdoor activities, executive, fatalist, the tourism professional. But what’s annoying is that we’re cleaning everything up. So, if it’s to start again in a few days…”

For him, the Pentecost weekend, from May 18 to 20, also fell through. “What I regret most is that local residents, including us, are not better informed by the communities or the State. We received an alert from Epidor (1) for a rise of 40 centimeters of water and we found ourselves with almost 1 meter. »

The good news, however, is that the summer season should not be impacted. “I am confident,” explains Gilles Ouardi. The tablecloths are full and there is reserve. » In the meantime, he and his teams are busy refunding or postponing reservations, between two blasts with the high-pressure cleaner in the parking lot.

