At 18, he was flashed at 180 km/h on an 80 road a month after obtaining his license

At 18, he was flashed at 180 km/h on an 80 road a month after obtaining his license
At 18, he was flashed at 180 km/h on an 80 road a month after obtaining his license

By Editorial team Le Républicain Marmande
Published on

May 9, 24 at 1:02 p.m.

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He shouldn’t be able to renew anytime soon. A young man aged 18 was flashed at almost 180 km/h during the night of May 8 to 9, 2024 on a portion of the RD 21 linking Agen to Villeneuve-sur-Lot in Lot-et-Garonne.

It was around 3:30 a.m., when they were carrying out speed controls on this road limited to 80 km/h that the gendarmes saw a vehicle coming at full speed with the young driver who had just obtained his license a few weeks earlier.

Withdrawal of driving license obtained one month earlier

Controlled by the military 178 km/h (169 km/h retained)almost twice the authorized limit, the young individual who was on a probationary license was found withdraw your driving license on the field and his vehicle immobilized. Alcohol and drug tests were carried out and came back negative.

Speeding greater than or equal to 50 km/h is one of the most serious traffic violations. According to the law, the driver risks a fine of 1,500 euros and a 3-year suspension of his driving license.

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