Sleeve. The Extra-Brut (es) show restores the image of authentic ciders

Sleeve. The Extra-Brut (es) show restores the image of authentic ciders
Sleeve. The Extra-Brut (es) show restores the image of authentic ciders

By Géraldine Lebourgeois
Published on

May 9, 24 at 12:10

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As an extension of the Jazz sous les pommiers festival, of which it is a partner, Extra-Brutes, exhibition of ciders and natural winesis back May 11 and 12, 2024.

For a third editionhe settles again at the edge of the salt meadows and the haven of Siena, in Regnéville-sur-Mer (Manche), with two capitals. THE visitors will be able to discover the numerous vintages brought by 70 exhibitorsof which 40% will be newcomers.

70 exhibitors

Winegrowers (16 origins, from regions of France and elsewhere) and cider makers (27 provenances, from regions of France and elsewhere) share the bill equally, Extra-Brut (es) having been born in Mulhouse to promote natural wines before finding “its coastal variation” three years ago. in Normandy.

The ciders joined the party under the leadership of Jean-François Hurth, secretary of the association Bande de brutes, which relies on a fifty volunteers to organize the show, and Dominique Hutin, journalist “oenophile and cidrophile”.

A new cider scene

“The Normans still don’t realize what’s happening, this new cider scene, this new culture which shakes up the image of cider. This self-consumption product, which was drawn from barrels, which had the same value as water, for which we did not claim a vintage, is experiencing a renewal, inspiring creators and producers no longer harbor complexes. Cider has become a Source of inspirationand even a kind of small laboratory », explains Dominique Hutin.

“Exta-Brut(es) is about promoting wines and ciders, but it’s also about human values that we want to share, the meetings, doing it together, the pleasure shared in beautiful places, with a beautiful organization”, presents Jean-François Hurth in turn. This living room is also a place of activism to defend the terroirs and the quality productsAnd natural .

Conviviality and collective commitment

Moreover, on Sunday morning, producers will be invited to share a reflection time “to organize against the artificial carbonation of cider, a widespread practice whose consumers are not informed. We want more transparencyand more than pedagogy“.

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From exhibitorsproducers from La Manche, representatives of the AOC Cidre Cotentin or even “neo-producers”, like Laure Sourdin who produced her first vintage in 2022.

After leaving his first professional lifein the world of finance, this forty-year-old chose viticulture and oenology, returning to Normandy and completing a BTS. “I came back for that”, and also to breathe new life into La Minoterie de Quettreville-sur-Sienne, which has become guinguette . It will soon set up its production there.

“The cider is feminizes with many new proposals,” notes Jean-François Hurth.

All the senses in celebration

Author, journalist and cook, Keda Black’s mission is to coordinate everything that is restorationduring the Extra-Brut (es) weekend, with varied suggestions “all day long”: oysters, moussette sandwiches, spring rolls, tartes flambées, vegetable cuisine, cheeses, cakes, coffee.

And if on the drinks side, natural wines and ciders will be the flagship products, there will be others offered, and even “wild” beers and Sake .

The living room is rich other surprisesAgain. Like, on Saturday evening, a concertfrom the cosmopolitan hip-hop collective (Canada, Germany, England) ASM for a “RAPed improvisation with natural ciders & wines”.

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