Possible reduction in size of TES Canada wind farm

Possible reduction in size of TES Canada wind farm
Possible reduction in size of TES Canada wind farm

TES Canada is proposing a reduction in the number of wind turbines that could be installed in its wind farm, in an effort to improve the social acceptability of the project.

The company ensures that all efforts are made to minimize the impact of the wind turbines intended to power its green hydrogen production plant and even to reduce their total number.

Instead of 144 towers, the wind farm could contain only 130 or even fewer. TES Canada believes that this will make the project more acceptable to the public.

THE CEO and CEO of TES Canada, Éric Gauthier, explains that the project would therefore have fewer wind turbines, but that each of them would be more powerful, which would be a way of making his project more discreet, and therefore more acceptable.

We are trying to make an effort to reduce this number furtherhe said.

TES Canada is also trying to install part of its park in the hinterland of the village of Grandes-Piles, an area without agriculture where the wind turbines would go relatively unnoticed.

Mr. Gauthier affirms that his company will try to make choices to increase the social acceptability of the project.

190potential options for wind turbines. From there we will choose the 130 best which reduce the impact, which mean that the wind turbines are the farthest from residences”,”text”:”What we have today is 190 potential options for wind turbines. From there we will choose the 130 best which reduce the impact, which mean that the wind turbines are the furthest from residences”}}”>What we have today is 190 potential options for wind turbines. From there we will choose the 130 best which reduce the impact, which mean that the wind turbines are the furthest from residences.he said.

TES Canada has just submitted its project notice in Quebec, the first step in the environmental assessment process, the company held a 90-minute information session.

Mr. Gauthier deplores the intimidation and threats that the project arouses in the region.

This is absolutely unacceptable to us. We need to be able to talk to each other. We need to be able to discuss the project, find solutions and have a point of conversation which is, which allows the project to move forward.explains Mr. Gauthier.

Despite the headwind, TES Canada does not deviate from its objective and continues to move forward

What we hear in the media is a lot of people who are against it, who speak loudly and clearly. We, at the back, have a lot of people who speak very softly and who sign contractshe adds.

The company indicates that citizens approach them on the ground with questions, particularly regarding the process of dismantling the towers, the diversification of agricultural income that the project brings, the impact on the reduction of greenhouse gases. greenhouse, local economic benefits, the location of the towers and the impact on agricultural land.

It appears very likely that in the end, TES Canada will find itself with a surplus of electricity. Discussions will take place with Hydro-Québec to resell this energy, particularly during winter peak periods.

TES Canada is surveying the territory by helicopter to carry out a complete wildlife survey. To this end, the company has hired 70 specialists in the different species found in the region.

Louis Cloutier’s report

Photo: Radio-Canada / Yoann Dénécé



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