In Concarneau, 400 demonstrators “against the Bolloré empire”

In Concarneau, 400 demonstrators “against the Bolloré empire”
In Concarneau, 400 demonstrators “against the Bolloré empire”

The pediment of the Halles building, already decorated with a large poster “All in pink with the Concarn’Rose”, welcomed, this Saturday afternoon, another banner, claiming “open and united islands and countryside”. Under this leitmotif, a crowd of 400 people brandished signs such as “Bolloréac”, “C News C null” or even “The real Loch monster”, battered by the gusts.

A neo-Nazi registered S

It is this wind which led to the repatriation, to Concarneau (29), of the gathering “against the Bollosphere”, initiated by the Earth Uprising movement. It was to take the form of an “armada” of boats sailing to the island of Loc’h, in the heart of the Glénan archipelago. This island, owned by Vincent Bolloré, welcomed, from January 2023, a security guard named Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier. As revealed by the investigative daily “La Lettre”, this neo-Nazi, on S file and already convicted of violent actions, hired by the company Checkport Sécurité, had conveniently landed a position as a guard there while awaiting a next appearance, in February 2025, for a punitive expedition, aborted at the last minute, against Moroccan football supporters.

“Unacceptable editorial lines”

Following the revelations of the Letter, at the end of July, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier’s contract would have ended. We were unable to confirm Vincent Bolloré’s perfect knowledge of the neo-Nazi’s “pedigree”. The fact remains that for the demonstrators, it is “worrying proof of the plan pursued by Vincent Bolloré: to work so that the extreme right comes to power in ”. Hélène, a retiree from Concarne, denounces “the concentration of media owned by the Breton billionaire, such as C News, JDD, Europe 1, which have unacceptable editorial lines. There are periods in French history that our parents experienced, and that we don’t want to see return. However, we are not far from it,” she criticizes.

Some demonstrators joined the boat of the Concarneau fishing museum and displayed, to the sound of biniou, a banner criticizing the presence of a neo-Nazi on the island of Vincent Bolloré. (Le Télégramme/Thierry Charpentier)

“Bolloré Island – Protected neo-Nazis”

Shortly before 4 p.m., the speeches, including that of Eugène Riguidel, warmly applauded, began, denouncing “an Islamophobic, racist and reactionary extreme right, which scores high in the elections, well helped by bosses, like Vincent Bolloré, or even Pierre-Edouard Stérin”. They were interrupted by the sound of the biniù, inviting us to turn our eyes towards the museum ship “Hémérica”, moored at the Closed City. Activists on board displayed a large banner reading: “Bolloré Island – Neo-Nazis protected”. The organizers announce a mobilization around the island of Loc’h for spring 2025.



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