A man who died in February left a colossal sum to his town: what was his wish, which will be granted?

A man who died in February left a colossal sum to his town: what was his wish, which will be granted?
A man who died in February left a colossal sum to his town: what was his wish, which will be granted?

A 95-year-old man, who died in Tourrettes () in February 2024, left his commune the sum of 2.5 million euros. With a wish, which will be granted.

The town of Tourrettes, in the Varmourned the disappearance of one of his family, in February 2024: aged 95, Marcelin Arthur Chaix went out. In his will, he had expressed his choice to bequeath a colossal sum in the village.

2.5 million euros

Var-Matin reports in fact that the estate assets amount to 2.5 million eurosdivided into 2 187 301 euros in current accounts, and 338 186 euros in life insurance contracts. But when reading the exact terms of the will, the town councillor, in the municipal council, explained that “this legacy was conditioned” to an achievement. A very precise construction.

A reception structure for the elderly

Indeed, Marcelin Arthur Chaix wanted this sum to make it possible to erect a day care accommodation for the elderly. The mayor of the town, Camille Bouge, indicated, according to our colleagues, that the equipment “should not not have a profit motive but strictly social“, according to the terms of this same will.

Another resident of the town spoke to BFM TV. And he was not surprised by the gesture made by the deceased: “He was someone who always helped others“, he assured.

The wish will be granted

Le Figaro, which was able to speak with a municipal agent, affirms that the wish of the missing nonagenarian will be well granted : it was unanimously validated by the municipal council. This same employee declared that it will “not be an Ephad, but a small structure, a place to live and meet for seniors, who are often faced with loneliness.



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