activist Ritchy Thibault targeted by report after his call for “Intifida”

This Saturday, at Place de la République in , a pro-Palestinian demonstration took place. Among the processions was the activist Ritchy Thibault. Following his comments calling for the “Intifada”, he is now targeted for inciting hatred, violence or discrimination.

Many elected officials and leaders of La insoumise, first and foremost Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Manon Aubry, Clémence Guetté and Louis Boyard, were present in Paris this Saturday, in the procession which brought together several thousand people in total, at Place de la République (12th), to Place de , in the 17th arrondissement in Paris.

The demonstration “in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people” gave rise to multiple slogans, such as “Intifada, Intifada”, or even “Israel assassin, Macron complicit”. Among the people who called for this Intifada in the heart of the capital, the Ritchy Thibault activity. Co-founder of the Peuple Révolté collective, and a regular at protest gatherings since the Yellow Vest movements, he, according to exclusive information from CNEWS, chanted “Friends, we are going to go all the way. Our comrade Elias [d’Imzalène, Ndlr] was right, the only path in the streets of Paris is the Intifada.

These comments, which refer to the registered activist S Elias d’Imzalene, pro-Palestinian activist and founder of the media “Islam et Info”, were the subject of a judicial finding by the police forces. The Paris police prefect, again according to information from CNEWS, will, following these comments, make a report under article 40 of the code of criminal procedure to the Paris public prosecutor.

This article, which introduces the “duty to report” and concerns acts of violence, discrimination, harassment and sexist behavior, provides that “Any constituted authority, any public officer or civil servant who, in the exercise of his duties , acquires knowledge of a crime or misdemeanor is required to give notice without delay to the public prosecutor and to transmit to this magistrate all information, reports and acts relating thereto.

As a reminder, after the demonstration on September 8 in Paris, during which Elias d’Imzalene, a registered S activist, called for an Intifada, the police prefect summoned the organizers of the rally to explain themselves, in the absence whereupon he would be obliged to ban the following demonstrations. The Greens, LFI and the NPA responded to the prefect, saying they did not support Imzalene’s comments and disapproving them. For his part, D’Imzalen – whose real name is El Yess Zarelli – placed under judicial supervision, will be tried by the criminal court for “public incitement to hatred or violence because of origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion”, on October 23.



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