The “smile postman” passing through Haute-Marne

Her name is Lucie Reyx and she has embarked on a tour of France… nursing homes! Its objective: to change society’s view of the elderly. She is expected on May 9 at Maranville.

It’s a bit like the Tour de France before the Tour! The event is a sporting challenge since it will allow the 21-year-old woman who took on this challenge to cover 4000 km. All by bike and without electric assistance, we can specify. Lucie Reyx is 21 years old and has a degree in gerontology. Seniors are a real passion for this bubbly adventurer who has been living in a seniors residence in Yvelines for six months.

She embarked on the adventure on Thursday April 4 with the objective of completing 101 steps. The departure was scheduled from the Ehpad village of Terre-Nègre, in Bordeaux. The arrival is planned for August, in Rochefort, town of origin of this young woman with morale of steel.

A letter, a smile

The particularity is that this loop stops at retirement homes or establishments for the accommodation of elderly or disabled people (Ehpad). Along the way, Lucie spends time with her hosts who always wait impatiently for her in view of the numerous press articles and reports published following her welcome.

Lucie Reyx plans to change society’s view of the elderly.

His project is called “A bicyclette” and you can follow his journey day by day on Instagram (a.bicyclette_) or Tiktok, with live broadcasts several times a day. Lucie explains that she works with the association 1 letter 1 smile which aims to write to an isolated elderly person. In this context, she describes herself as “the smile postwoman”.

In Maranville Thursday

Lucie is dressed in yellow most of the time. A nod to the Post Office. Because it also distributes letters from the Une Lettre un Smile association, which fights against the isolation of seniors and allows you to send a letter to an isolated person. Moreover, throughout her stages, Lucie will write some with her hosts.

The cyclist will stop in Haute-Marne this Thursday, May 9, at the Marie Pocard nursing home in Maranville. She is eagerly awaited there and with great pleasure. “We don’t know, maybe she will stay until Friday,” we were told on site. The host has planned a nice moment of discussion and workshops to mark this visit which should bring smiles and joy to the residents.


  • A journey to follow in images day by day.


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