Birahim Seck warns the Government and provides support to Madiambal Diagne…

« Prohibiting a person from coming and going requires a judicial act or legal document“, specified Birahim Seck. The Civil Forum Coordinator returned to the issue during the capacity building workshop for journalists on the Financial Judicial Pool held this Friday, October 4.

According to Birahim Seck, “ the people concerned say that they have not received any documents telling them that they must not leave Senegalese territory« .

Reason why he maintains that the government must do “ very careful“, because the latter have contacted ECOWAS “ and this tarnishes the image of the Republic« .

« A reissue of the accounts can be done in a suitable manner by respecting the procedures. The reissue must be done with rigor while respecting the rules of prosecution“, according to Birahim Seck taken up by Dakaractu.

He also returned to the Madiambal Diagne case which, according to him “ does not require a ban on leaving the country. He claims to have never had a diplomatic passport. And in this case, the government has not communicated any clues to say that Madiambal has a diplomatic passport. So I don’t see why we should ban him from traveling. He is a citizen like all citizens« .

He expresses his support to the journalist in this ordeal “ until the government gives us clear and convincing evidence on the exit ban« .

To this end, he invites the State to reconsider its position in relation to these exit bans.




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