Pierre Bélé, a life committed to serving others, farmers and Coglais

Pierre Bélé, a life committed to serving others, farmers and Coglais
Pierre Bélé, a life committed to serving others, farmers and Coglais


Manuel Rodríguez

Published on

5 oct. 2024 à 8h32

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Pierre Bélé died Monday September 30. He was 96 years old.

All his life, this farmer settled on the Tronchet farm, Saint-Brice-en-Coglèsnear Fougères (Ille-et-Vilaine) is committed to the development of cooperative agriculture and the service of others.

In the biographical book that she dedicated to him in 2021, Christiane Lecoq-Piel speaks of an “activist and actor from his country of Coglais. » “A perfect summary of what he was,” agree his sons Jean-Pierre and Michel.

Cuma, recreational center, social center and MSA

Founder of three Ability (Potato cookers, Avenir briçois and Le Froid briçois), Pierre Bélé, born June 13, 1928, was also at the origin of the creation of the Rural family home (MFR) of Fougères.

He was also part of the adventure ofCoglais cantonal association, created for the economic, social and cultural development of the canton.

Director at the constitutive general assembly on January 20, 1967, he was vice-president for more than 10 years in the 1980s-1990s. He withdrew in 2009 from a structure which, among other things, set up a cantonal school bus, the recreational center and the social center.

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Administrator of the Agricultural social mutuality (MSA) of Ille-et-Vilaine in the 1970s-1980s, “he was the faithful and effective link between the MSA and the Coglais association”, pays tribute to Maurice Langlois before adding:

Pierre is one of the figures of Coglais who is fading from the history of our canton. He actively participated in its influence.

Maurice Langlois

Pierre Bélé drew this permanent commitment from the Catholic Agricultural Youth (JAC). Forced to leave school very early, he trained in this popular education movement.

Louis Dubreilformer mayor of Maen Roch, and close to Pierre Bélé, confirms: “Pierre declared: “the JAC educated me in the commitment to mutual aid, solidarity and working together. » He had a very concrete sensitivity regarding the social rights towards farmers. He spared no time and energy in informing farming families about socially valuable provisions that could improve their living conditions. »

Pierre Bélé was buried Thursday October 3.

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