tension in a community of communes of Dordogne

tension in a community of communes of Dordogne
tension in a community of communes of Dordogne

These two won’t go on vacation together. In deep disagreement, Christian Six, the mayor of Saint-Cyprien, and Serge Orhand, the president of the Dordogne valley-Bessède forest community of communes, have reached a point of no return. “I did not agree with the budget [NDLR : de l’intercommunalité], delivers the Cypriot. The president does not take into account what he is told. The financial situation is already not easy for communities. Some skills are optional. By adding more, we reach the end. »

Vice-presidency withdrawn

A clear opposition which cost him his position as vice-president of the Community of Communes. “He has every right to be against the budget,” says Serge Orhand. And, yes, it is my decision to strip him of the vice presidency. There was not a resounding majority during this vote, but I could not see myself continuing with someone who does not support the community’s policy. »

“I couldn’t see myself continuing with someone who doesn’t support community policy”

To the point that the mayor of Saint-Cyprien intends to leave the intercommunity to join that of the Vallée de l’Homme, that is to say the Vézère valley. “The merger between our two intermunicipalities dates from 2014 (1), he recalls. However, there was a problem. At the time, the Community of Communes Between Nauze and Bessède was very in debt. We actually made a request to join the Vallée de l’Homme. We are already part of the Grand Site Vézère valley. And, historically, Les Eyzies, where the headquarters of the Community of Communes of the Valley of Man is located, is part of the canton of Saint-Cyprien. Belvès and Saint-Cyprien are not at all the same living area. »

For a bit, we would almost replay the old-fashioned rugby derbies between Scac and Stade Belvésois. President Orhand calms the enthusiasm. “Yes, they voted in the Municipal Council, but it is a declaration of intent,” he emphasizes. Besides, I am surprised that all decisions are taken unanimously at Saint-Cyprien.

In any case, in my opinion, this could not be done before 2026. » Having the same political sensibility, the two men no longer get along.

“I have never hidden my position on the left,” says Serge Orhand. As for Christian Six, he is the replacement for President Germinal Peiro at the Department.

Reconciliation for 2026?

Beyond these budget issues, could there be another problem? “I have been asking for concrete things for two years,” says the Cypriot. In particular a study on the skills of the Community of Municipalities and their impact on the budget. We are part of small intercommunal communities, we must not forget that. »And to point out the projects carried out on the Belvédois plateau. “We notably renovated the Archbishopric tower,” he explains. It wasn’t necessarily useful and it was very expensive. »

Response from the president: “The nursery is in Saint-Cyprien and we renovated the gymnasium,” he points out. Before going further. “I think Christian couldn’t stand not being elected president. It’s true that it didn’t matter much. He retained a certain resentment. » That said, he does not close the door. “I told him that the way would be clear in 2026, I would not run again,” continues the mayor of Larzac. If he can wait until then…”

(1) The Dordogne valley-Bessède forest community of communes was born from the merger of the Communities of communes Between Nauze and Bessède (Belvès) and Dordogne valley (Saint-Cyprien).



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