“the left reaches out more easily to people”, Nicolas Pellegrini (LFI)

A civil service executive, Nicolas Pellegrini also coordinates the action of the Jeunes Insoumis du . He is also the author of a work on the 6th Republic and has already given courses in constitutional law at the University of Nîmes. Meeting with the 24-year-old activist.

Nicolas Pellegrini: we are a political movement, not a party. Our operation does not rely on a local federation but on action groups like the one against the establishment of Amazon in Remoulins. LFI brings together activists from all walks of life and is structured via departmental loops with leaders dedicated to treasury, logistics, communication, etc.

Gard has how many Insoumis activists?

There is no contribution so no figures. On the other hand, those registered on the popular action platform exceed 300. For the 2022 presidential campaign, more than 3,000 activists were mobilized in Gard. LFI represents a new way of thinking about politics through action, in order to make it accessible to all.

What is your position on the subject of the tenors of the local right in Nîmes who did not give any voting instructions during the period between the two rounds of the early legislative elections?

It’s irresponsible, the Republic involves actions, even more so when we bear the name “Republicans”. It’s about being worthy of it, given the great risk of seeing the far right in power. These people would do better to look at themselves in the mirror instead of making anathemas.

In our columns, Richard Tibérino, LR departmental secretary, affirmed that certain LFI leaders were Trotskyists. What do you answer?

I would be delighted to be able to debate with Richard Tibérino on Trotskyism, but I am not sure that he would last long… Trotskyism is a democratic socialist doctrine which is opposed to the autarkic vision of Stalin, the reason why Leon Trotsky was arrested. On the other hand, it is perhaps less shocking to Mr. Tibérino that we have a President of the Republic who imposes retirement reform with a vote of 49.3 while 90% of French people are against it. In reality, who is dangerous when we see the LR making a pact with Macronie within the government and proposing a social policy which always brutalizes the poorest?

What are the strengths of LFI in your opinion?

Generally speaking, the left reaches out to people more easily. In terms of militant strength, LFI is well ahead of other left-wing groups. The presence on the ground has been a particularity since 2016. We go to the Nîmes markets, and not just that of Jean-Jaurès… LFI is the only party to have created a building referent which reaches out to neighbors. This is the only way to restore confidence in politics.

What do you respond to the attacks of communitarianism and complacency with Islamism that come from opponents?

I have no shame in speaking to all the French people. I do not choose my audience, and do not make distinctions based on skin color, social class or origins. Rather, it is the right and the extreme right who promote communitarianism by making a distinction between French people of blood and soil. They fuel fractures and fear.

What do you think are the solutions to alleviate insecurity in the priority neighborhoods of Nîmes?

We must reinvest in public services, security, transport, recycling, roads, health… Insecurity is growing in these neighborhoods because the public authorities are absent, this creates resentment. There is an end-of-reign atmosphere in Nîmes, it’s a bit of small-footed politics.

Some leading figures divorced Mélenchon, including François Ruffin. Is LFI losing credibility given its internal wars?

What brings us together is more important than what opposes us. These are more ruptures of strategy than of ideology, it is not irrecoverable. No one asks the question about the Ciotti-LR or Delga-Faure split… It’s political institutional life and its disagreements, otherwise it would look more like a sect than a democratic movement.

Where can we find the funds to apply LFI measures such as the increase in the minimum wage?

We advocate the ecological transition as a means of economic recovery. has money but deprives itself of tax revenue. Raising wages and the minimum wage would revitalize the economy. The increase will not be spent in Panama but invested in the economic circuit. The proposals from LFI and the left are the most pragmatic to strengthen public authorities in particular.

How do you explain the grand slam of the six Gardois RN deputies?

This is explained by the abandonment of a huge part of the French population during a period of crisis, during which the RN played on fear. The media didn’t help matters. Macronist policy has not helped, two deputies previously compared to 180 RN deputies today. Well done the rampart!

What would be the foundations of a 6th Republic that you are calling for?

The 5th Republic shows its limits in its autocratic aspects. The fundamental element would be the possibility of recalling its elected officials. This is done in other countries. If an elected official is revocable, this forces him to make feasible political proposals. Then there is the constituent, the idea of ​​appropriating institutions and adapting them to the times. The people might not want a president, or at least more counter-power…

Guard the South


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