Fumel. What entertainment for the Tour de France?

Fumel. What entertainment for the Tour de France?
Fumel. What entertainment for the Tour de France?

Last Monday, late in the afternoon and at the initiative of the town hall, a meeting was held at La Pergola to discuss the different activities that could be put in place during the passage of the Tour de France through Libos. Traders, artisans, associations and residents of Monsempron-Libos were invited.

First of all, here is the information concerning this passage:

Passage on Thursday July 11 (market day);

Itinerary of the passage (rue de la Fraternité, rue des Écoles, avenue de Villeneuve);

Transit times (caravan of 150 vehicles at 2:47 p.m. and riders between 4:27 p.m. and 4:47 p.m.);

Privatization of the route at least 1 hour before the caravan passes;

Municipal decorations (shopping windows, kakemonos, giant jerseys and pennants)

The mayor of the town, Jean-Jacques Brouillet, underlined the importance of the facade plan (shutters) for harmonization and beautification of the town.

Some ideas for activities were proposed:

Flowered scooter and bike race with the children near the Jean-Moulin school (perhaps the morning of 07/11) + decorations with the parents to display on the Central Square. (Parents Association)

Bicycles and yellow bicycle wheels to be available in the town (at least 2 weeks before July 11) + bicycle exchange the day before on the Place Centrale – around 5/6 p.m. (Festival Committee)

Brasero on 07/11 as well as during the bicycle exchange

Bike ride on a Saturday morning before 07/11 (idea of ​​meeting at Foulon Park)

Please note that the dates are not final and that other proposals are to come.




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