Post a photo or video of your dog, and 5 euros will be donated to this Essonne shelter

Post a photo or video of your dog, and 5 euros will be donated to this Essonne shelter
Post a photo or video of your dog, and 5 euros will be donated to this Essonne shelter


Coline Bonvalot

Published on

May 19, 2024 at 7:14 a.m.

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Doing a good deed with your dog is possible in one click. Agria Assurance pour Animaux organizes, on the weekend of May 25 to 26, 2024, the 4th edition of The “Agria Dog Walk”. This solidarity event, which will take place on social networks, aims to collect donations for the ARPA 91 shelter in Ris-Orangis, which has been working since 1979 to help abandoned or mistreated dogs.

How to participate ?

To participate, you must first register for the event for free via an online form. Then on the day of the event, namely Saturday May 25 or Sunday May 26, 2024, participants must post a photo or video of their dog on a walk on their Facebook or Instagram profile, adding the hashtag #baladedeschiensagria.

Each publication will generate a donation of 5 euros for the benefit of the residents of the ARPA 91 refuge in Ris-Orangis. Please note that the ARPA 91 shelter is currently in a complex financial situation. To deal with this, the structure notably launched a call for donations via the Helloasso platform.

In 2023, 1,615 dog/owner duos mobilized on social networks to support the residents of the Périgueux SPA.

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