Switzerland’s “double morals”

Switzerland’s “double morals”
Switzerland’s “double morals”

Repression of demonstrations in favor of peace in Gaza by the main German-speaking cities, desire to cut off supplies to UNRWA and unprecedented bill to ban Hamas. Since October 7, Switzerland has adopted a resolutely anti-Palestinian position, embodied by Ignazio Cassis and nourished by the right-wing majority in parliament.

Officially, the Confederation today demands an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of the hostages. At the Security Council, she called on the parties to respect international law. But these declarations come up against headwinds in the Federal Council and in parliament. Contacted by us, the former President of the Confederation Micheline Calmy-Rey noted Switzerland’s passivity in respect of international humanitarian law. “I have the feeling of double standards. For Ukraine, the Federal Council unequivocally condemns violations of international law. But with regard to the occupied Palestinian territories, Switzerland is considering an in-depth analysis of the opinion of the International Court of Justice before noting a violation of the Geneva Conventions and refuses to lend its voice to the recognition of Palestine to the Nations. united, while boasting about defending a two-state solution,” supports the former federal councilor.

The affinities of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ignazio Cassis, with Israel are known. Former member of the “Switzerland-Israel” parliamentary friendship group, he had already taken the decision in 2022 to move the Swiss cooperation office from East Jerusalem to Ramallah, at the request of Israel and in break with his predecessors, recalls Green national councilor Nicolas Walder. Last November, when Israel’s indiscriminate bombings were already causing nearly ten thousand deaths in Gaza, Ignazio Cassis invoked Israel’s “right to defend itself” to justify its refusal to call for a ceasefire. fire. “For the Swiss authorities, the Israeli deaths are victims, the Palestinian deaths are numbers, dehumanized,” denounces the socialist States Councilor Carlo Sommaruga, member of the Switzerland-Palestine parliamentary group. The situation reminds him of the Apartheid era, when Switzerland defended the South African regime. “The Confederation then supported South Africa on the grounds that the country defended the values ​​of the Western world in the same way that it considers that Israel defends these values,” he underlines. Today, several senior officials of the Confederation are close to Israel.

In parliament, Carlo Sommaruga observes a “terrible shift to the right and a strong sensitivity to the disinformation campaign led by the Israeli government”. National decided in September to cut all financial support to UNRWA. The Lower House rejected Nicolas Walder’s motion calling for sanctions against violent Israeli settlers responsible for serious human rights violations. “In 2023, they were already responsible for more than 400 deaths and the destruction of homes. They blocked humanitarian aid convoys, which caused the deaths of many people, including children,” explains Nicolas Walder. He notes that the European Union and the United States have introduced sanctions against violent settlers. “Switzerland is not credible if it only condemns the crimes of one party to the conflict,” he adds.

The ban on Hamas is supported by all parties, including on the left. However, it has reservations about the bill proposed by the Federal Council, fearing that it will undermine humanitarian aid and dialogue for peace. In disagreement with his party, Carlo Sommaruga is opposed to the principle of banning Hamas. “The banning of an organization not banned by the UN would be a first and represents a weakening of Switzerland’s position.”

As depositary of the Geneva Conventions, Switzerland will have to organize an international conference on respect for international humanitarian law in the occupied territories, the United Nations having accepted a resolution from Palestine to this effect. “Beyond words, States will have to find the means that can lead Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories,” concludes Carlo Sommaruga.



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