University cooperation: the challenges of heritage preservation

University cooperation: the challenges of heritage preservation
University cooperation: the challenges of heritage preservation

Moroccan, German and Tunisian experts met in Fez as part of an international conference on “Oral and regional heritage”. The event explores the issues of preservation and transmission of oral heritage, a solid bulwark against cultural standardization and a lever for intercultural dialogue.

In an increasingly globalized world, oral heritage stands as a bulwark against cultural standardization, and as a guardian of the memory and identity of peoples. It is with this in mind that the international conference “Oral and regional heritage in research and in university and school teaching” opened on Tuesday in Fez.

This event, organized by the Dhar El Mahraz Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fez (USMBA), brings together until October 4 experts from Morocco, Germany and Tunisia to explore the issues of preservation and transmission of oral heritage.

An essential heritage for identity and intercultural dialogue
The importance of oral heritage, both for Moroccan identity and for intercultural dialogue, was underlined by Robert Dölger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Morocco.

“Oral heritage is a subject that unites us,” he declared, illustrating his point by the liveliness of narrative traditions on Jemaa el Fna square in Marrakech, and recalling the existence of fairy tales in Germany.

“This similarity demonstrates that it is possible to build bridges between cultures by exploring our common roots,” he said.

The ambassador praised Morocco’s efforts in heritage preservation, particularly through festivals dedicated to oral history. He also expressed his admiration for the city of Fez, which he described as an ideal place to host such a conference, given its rich history and its serene atmosphere. The choice of Fez as the venue for this conference is not insignificant. The German ambassador recalled the role of Al-Qarawiyyin University of Fez in intellectual and scientific development, constituting a bridge between the Islamic world and Europe.

“Al-Qarawiyyin University has played a key role in the preservation and dissemination of the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Maghreb,” he stressed.

A conference to explore the challenges of research and teaching
The conference addresses essential questions related to research and teaching of oral heritage.

Mustapha Ijjaali, president of the USMBA, insisted on the importance of this event which brings together Moroccan and international researchers to debate this theme.

He also highlighted the USMBA’s desire to develop international collaborations, particularly with Germany. The integration of cultural heritage into higher education and school programs is a major focus of the conference. Participants explore innovative methods for transmitting this knowledge to younger generations, particularly using modern technologies such as digitalization.

Giovanni Agresti, regional director of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF) in North Africa, underlined the AUF’s interest in research on endogenous knowledge and its interaction with contemporary knowledge. He also insisted on the potential of cultural heritage as an economic lever, contributing to the well-being and improvement of the existential condition of individuals.

A trilateral project to strengthen university collaborations
This conference is part of the Ta’ziz project, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This is an interdisciplinary and trilateral project led by the University of Paderborn, in cooperation with universities in Morocco, Tunisia and Germany.

The objective is to create a dynamic network between academia and civil society, highlighting the cultural practices and traditions of the three countries. During his speech, the German ambassador welcomed the strengthening of relations between his country and Morocco, particularly in the field of university cooperation. He announced the upcoming visit of a DAAD delegation to Morocco to explore the possibilities of strengthening this cooperation.

Mehdi Idrissi / ECO Inspirations

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