The cantons denounce the Confederation’s volatility regarding asylum

The cantons denounce the Confederation’s volatility regarding asylum
The cantons denounce the Confederation’s volatility regarding asylum

The Conference of Cantonal Directors of Social Affairs opposes the planned reduction in federal funds for asylum. According to them, it is difficult to develop a global strategy with the Confederation on this subject, given that the situation is constantly changing.

The Confederation, cantons and municipalities have only recently started working on the asylum action plan. The objective is in particular to better adapt the Swiss system to fluctuations in figures and to resolve problems linked to the accommodation of applicants.

The steering committee of the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Social Affairs (CDAS) is therefore seeking to meet with the competent minister, Beat Jans, the CDAS announced again on Thursday. At issue: the recent publication of the Confederation’s economic plans, indicated the CDAS, confirming information from the Daily Gazette.

Up to 500 million savings at the federal level

The proposed savings program was developed by a group of experts gathered around the former director of the federal finance administration, Serge Gaillard. It plans to reduce from 5 to 4 years the obligation for the Confederation to compensate the cantons for recognized refugees. Berne hopes to save at least 300 million francs in 2028. In 2030, the economy should reach at least 500 million francs.

The Swiss Conference of Social Action Institutions (CSIAS) was already concerned two weeks ago about these federal economies to the detriment of social assistance and the integration of refugees. According to the Confederation, these global packages cover all reimbursable social assistance benefits, in particular emergency assistance costs.

Our recent editorial: With its savings program, the Federal Council risks burning its fingers



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