Rowers benefit from the legacy of the Olympic Games at the Mantes nautical stadium

While the Didier-Simond nautical stadium in Mantes-la-Jolie hosted the French rowing championships on Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29, 2024, the participants took advantage of the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The site, classified as a Games Preparation Center (CPJ) for athletes as part of the JOPs, benefited from renovation work supported by the Department.

The French rowing championships took place on Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29. CD78

The 788 rowers, engaged in the competition organized by the French Rowing Federation (FFA), were able to appreciate the quality of the water at the nautical stadium. They were the first to benefit from post JOP equipment. “This summer we welcomed athletes from Serbia and Algeria who were participating in the Olympic events,” says Frédéric Andolfi, president of the rowing section of AS Mantes.

Strengthen the attractiveness of the site

In order to offer optimal skiing conditions for users, but also with the aim of ensuring the sustainability of the site and strengthening its attractiveness, a project including the flattening and harmonization of the bottom of the basin at a depth of 3 meters over the entire body of water, was carried out ahead of the Olympic Games. The banks were also consolidated and the access pontoons changed.

A flattening of the bottom of the basin, a consolidation of the banks and a change of pontoons were carried out as part of the Olympic Games. CD78

This work was carried out as part of the heritage intended for all. Estimated at €2.3 million, they were financed by the Grand Seine & Oise urban community and the Department which provided aid of €1 million.

A new building built in 2025

The operation includes a second phase which should be launched next year. A new building will be built for the rowing club to replace the current infrastructurerepainted by street art artists in 2020, which no longer meets standards.

“The nautical stadium is recognized by all rowers in for its quality,” underlines Christian Vandenberghe, president of the FFA. Thanks to the work and the new equipment, here in Mantes we will have a base of excellence for high-level competitions and the organization of courses.”

The modern building will include changing rooms, storage spaces and even a workshop. The project, worth around €4 million, is financed with the support of the Department to the tune of €1 million.. The first groundbreaking for the site is planned for September 2025 for opening to the public at the end of December 2026.

No less than 788 rowers took part in the first post-Olympic competition at the nautical stadium. CD78



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