Gourmand Competition: tastings in progress

It’s time for tasting on this 1is October at the Purple Campus training center for apprentices in Alès. Some of the 192 members of the Gourmand competition jury are seated in small groups. These amateur volunteers are ready to list on a sheet their sensations upon discovering and tasting the twenty or so dishes and drinks that they will be given to taste. A tasting that takes place methodically, dish by dish, for a special meal of… four hours. The exercise will repeat until October 4 to review 504 products.

148 participants

On the menu, side dishes and cheeses, cold meats and ready meals, breads and pastries, pastries and drinks, all made in Gard by 148 participants : artisans, caterers, traders and farmers. Participation on the rise with 21 more than in 2023. Please note, there is no wine at this meal, Gard wines already having their own competition organized by the Young Farmers’ union each year.

To launch the tasting, Bruno Jouve, head of the tourism and regional attractiveness department at the Gard Departmental Council at the microphone, surrounded by Nathalie Rivenq, director of the Purple Campus in Alès, Bruno Pascal, vice-president of the Gard Departmental Council, Colette Ruegger, president of the Alès delegation of the CCI Gard and Claire Arnal, elected official of the CMA du Gard. (Alehteia press/E. Wood)

The medal and real visibility

The Gard Gourmand competition has existed since 1993. Organized by the Gard departmental council in partnership with the Gard Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, the Gard Chamber of Agriculture, L’association Welcome to the Farm, Gard tourism and the Civam du Gard Federationits objective is to highlight the gastronomic heritage of the region and to encourage short circuits. With its Guide to medalists & flavors published each year at 25,000 copiesit contributes to making Gard residents and tourists alike aware of quality products from the region.

In the end, only the best scores received for each of the 52 product families will be awarded a medal. Last year, 151 medalsincluding 51 in gold, were awarded. Please note: CCI studies show that a product winning a gold medal in this competition sees its sales increase by 26% on average. Hence requests for participation increase each year. Given its success this year, the organizers of the competition were forced to refuse nearly a hundred products…

An interesting exercise for apprentices

Apprentice waiters in the second year of CFA. (Alehteia press/E. Wood)

The competition is also an opportunity for second-year CFA apprentices – whether in the kitchen or in the service – to practice their skills in circumstances that are a little different from their usual ones. Amandine Thaix, teacher at the CFA, specifies: “It’s not easy for them because this competition forces them to change their habits.” For example, products must be presented separately, instead of always offering a drink with a dish. “We must also remain as neutral as possible and not give any indication of what they are serving – whereas usually we ask them to describe and defend the dishes served” continues the teacher.

But it’s a great opportunity. “This familiarizes them with all the products of their region: the different pâtés, jams, preparations such as bull herds, fruit juices, beers… all our local specialties”concludes Amandine Thaix. We will have to wait until the end of the year to know the results of this competition and discover the new Flavor Guide 2024. A ceremony is planned for February 16, 2025 at Vergèze for the presentation of medals.



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