In “The Message,” Ta-Nehisi Coates explores oppression, from Dakar to Jerusalem

In “The Message,” Ta-Nehisi Coates explores oppression, from Dakar to Jerusalem
In “The Message,” Ta-Nehisi Coates explores oppression, from Dakar to Jerusalem

From the island of Gorée in Senegal, to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, via a school in South Carolina, The Message reflects on major issues in our world. In this three-part essay, published in English on 1is October, American author Ta-Nehisi Coates explores “the way oppression is repeated in different contexts”, with a keen eye on the reality of the places he visited, summarizes the New York Magazine.

The American bimonthly devoted its end of September to the writer, who had made himself known in particular with A black anger (Between the World and Me in original version, translated into French by éditions Autre), in which he dissected the history of racist violence in the United States. After then moving on to fiction, he marks his return with an essay.

A feeling of betrayal

Unpublished in French, The Message continues his reflection on oppression by opening up to the world. The desire to travel to the Palestinian Territories arose from reactions to his article “The Case for Reparations”, published in 2014 in The Atlantic, where he worked as a journalist. He took the reparations granted by Germany in 1952 to the State of Israel as one of the possible examples.




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