Is everything forgiven? The Somain actress Valérie Bonneton, who grew up in Aniche and now lives in the Paris region, had offended the sensibilities of Northerners after the broadcast of the show 50′ Inside on February 17, 2024 (1,800 comments on Facebook under the publication relaying the about the actress in less than 24 hours).
She explained why she did not want to return to the area: “ Because there is nothing there. It’s sad! For nothing in the world I would go back and live there ”, then describing the territory as “ sad and deadly boring “. Reached by telephone by our newspaper, the actress had already qualified her remarks.
She takes part in a documentary on the North
Questioned during the show C à Vous la suite broadcast last night on France Télévisions, she spoke about the controversy: “ I’ve always said that in the North, there was no culture, I’m not going to change that! Especially in the village where I was (…) But the people of the North are wonderful. I owe them a lot because it’s such a different world, there’s a lot of solidarity. People are deeply together, they live on the doorstep, they all say hello and invite each other to come and have a coffee… »
People are deeply together, they live on the doorstep, they all say hello and invite each other to come and have a coffee…