. Do you know how many tourists visited the campsite this summer?

. Do you know how many tourists visited the campsite this summer?
Moselle. Do you know how many tourists visited the Metz campsite this summer?

With 35,000 m2 of greenery, the municipal campsite of is a rare pearl. Maintained by a dynamic team (150,000 euros of investments in 2024), it has become a real vacation spot. We can draw three strong lessons from the past season.

First of all, the campsite beats the attendance of summer 2023 (April-August), with 29,338 overnight stays in 2024, compared to 26,984 last year. “We are encountering a problem that we did not know about before,” explains Corinne Friot, Metz deputy. People passing through want to stay. But the pitch is already reserved by someone else for the next night! » Will the campsite beat its 2023 record for the year? Including September and October, officials counted 35,011 overnight stays.

French tourists are increasing

Second strong dimension, the length of stays. “With 56% booking over several nights, a majority of travelers stay several days. Metz is a destination in its own right, comments Corinne Friot, especially in summer with the entertainment. » Third important dimension, the profile of tourists. This has been a constant for several years, the first campers in Metz are the Germans. This summer again, our dear neighbors represented 34% of the clientele. The new information is elsewhere: the French now account for 19% of overnight stays at the Metz campsite. “It’s an increasing figure,” observes Corinne Friot. Metz is becoming a green city as pleasant as a pretty corner of Périgord. Rejoicing!

“Do you know? Metz” can also be listened to as a podcast

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