Deer corpses are increasing but the causes remain unknown

Deer corpses are increasing but the causes remain unknown
Deer corpses are increasing but the causes remain unknown

According to Le Parisien, since last winter, deer have been dying without explanation in the Oise. Even though several corpses have been analyzed, it is, at present, impossible to identify the causes of their disappearances.

The massacre seems to have started in the east of the department but has recently taken on new proportions. All the dead deer had intestinal parasites, but different depending on the corpses, according to the French Biodiversity Office.

The mystery of the dead deer of the Oise

For ten days, reports have been increasing, according to the Oise departmental federation of hunters (FDC60). And there are more and more deer corpses in the forests. Since last winter, this growing mortality has been considered abnormal and the causes remain undiscovered.

For example, in the Estrées-Saint-Denis sector, around twenty deer corpses were found by hunters in the space of two months at the start of the year. It remains to be seen whether it is the feeding of these wild animals or whether the evil is deeper, like an epidemic. A few months ago, the “zombie deer” disease already worried local authorities.



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