Basketball. Caen BC – Le Havre, the three keys to treating yourself to a beautiful

Basketball. Caen BC – Le Havre, the three keys to treating yourself to a beautiful
Basketball. Caen BC – Le Havre, the three keys to treating yourself to a beautiful

Resist the pressure

Outclassed in all areas in Le Havre a week ago (81-57), Caen BC has its back against the wall. To a holiday defeat and an extremely premature end to the season. In a sold-out Palais des Sports, there will be a lot of waiting, a lot of pressure and the Caennais, who have three consecutive losses, will have to overcome all of that.

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Are they capable of it? Do they want it? A response will be provided from the first possessions. “We have the pressurerecognizes Stéphane Eberlin. Now it’s up to us not to suffer it. For that, there is only one thing to do: go into battle. If we take this second match, the ascendancy will return to our side, it’s the story of the playoffs. What makes their magic. »

“You have to be active rather than reagentwarns Bali Coulibaly. To bring the crowd to its feet, it will take commitment and fight. » Even if they are disappointed for the moment, the Caen public will be ready to burst into flames at the slightest spark. It would have to arrive quickly and spread.

Better contain Valentin Bigote

STB Le Havre does not only rely on one player and demonstrated it during match 1. The fact remains that Valentin Bigote remains the most capable of changing, positively or negatively, the face of this team. When connected on both ends of the pitch, the former Manceau has no equivalent in the division.

“I always said it was an opportunity to to see herunderlines Fabrice Courcier, his trainer. He is an exceptional player in the division. When he has this defensive involvement, he becomes a major player. I can’t release it, it has so much impact. He is the leader we need. »

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A leader who had already scored 18 points at halftime of match 1 and who the Caennais will have to contain better this Friday. “Valentin Bigote was exceptional last Friday, it’s ongreets Stéphane Eberlin. He made 8 assists and scored 24 points. Basically, 50 points went through his hands. We were much too kind to him. But there are plenty of other players around him. We should not just stop Bigote and let the others catch fire. Overall, we need to be more consistent defensively. »

Find an address worthy of the name

Over its last three matches, Caen BC averages 61.66 points scored. His offensive productions are stereotypical, poor, frankly easy to counter and painful to observe. Most logically, his skill is at half mast (34% shooting, 19.18% from three points).

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“We need to bring more energy and intensity into attackexplains Stéphane Eberlin. We have to find and set a rhythm. This is what brings skill and aggressiveness. » Salvation will probably come inside, where Bali Coulibaly had ammunition at the start of the match in Le Havre, before being penalized by fouls.

“Either you react or you go home. Of course, I’m waiting for everyone’s reaction.”warns the Caen coach.



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