Urban renovation – Aulnay-sous-bois.fr

Urban renovation – Aulnay-sous-bois.fr
Urban renovation – Aulnay-sous-bois.fr

The City of Aulnay-sous-Bois and the Territoire Paris Terres d’Envol are involved in several urban renovation operations which concern 4 districts of the town.

Objective : transform the most fragile neighborhoods classified into Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS), with an effort by the State and local authorities to improve the living environment of residents.

These urban projects are real opportunities since they make it possible to rethink the overall functioning of each district by affecting everything that makes them up:

  • Improve degraded housing and carry out quality real estate programs;
  • Strengthen the supply of public facilities to facilitate access to ambitious public services and develop a new range of local shops;
  • Carry out innovative urban developments through the creation of new green spaces or the development of mobility (parking, public transport, cycling, pedestrians).

Since 2003, the Rose-des-Vents district has been affected by the National Program for Urban Renovation (PNRU) with operations which will end by 2026. The Gros Saule, Mitry-Ambourget and Cité de l districts Europe have been concerned since 2014 by the New National Program for Urban Renewal (NPNRU).

The implementation of these operations was entrusted by the State to the National Agency for Urban Renovation (ANRU).

  • Rose-des-Vents district
  • Mitry-Ambourget district
  • Gros-Saule district
  • City of Europe district




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