Morocco and Algeria “crystallize the criticisms again”

Morocco and Algeria “crystallize the criticisms again”
Morocco and Algeria “crystallize the criticisms again”

The assassination, in , of Philippine, a young woman of 19 years old, whose alleged perpetrator is a Moroccan citizen subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), has relaunched the debate on the application of this measure administrative in .

The Maghreb press also took up the subject. “Voices are raised [en France] to demand the application of measures dear to the far right, namely the suspension of visas or even fund transfers”, worries like this TSA.

Returning to the case, the Moroccan press indicates that Morocco had issued a consular pass to organize the return of the young Moroccan accused of the murder. French authorities even received this pass a few days before Philippine’s murder, claims AsIs.

The Moroccan magazine recalls that OQTFs are a regular stumbling block between France and its partners in the Maghreb, who are often reluctant to issue consular passes to facilitate repatriation to the country of origin. “In many cases, procedures are delayed, notably



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