Laurence Pastre offers her expertise in human resources for VSEs, SMEs, ETIs

Laurence Pastre offers her expertise in human resources for VSEs, SMEs, ETIs
GARD Laurence Pastre offers her expertise in human resources for VSEs, SMEs, ETIs

Advertorial. After a career as an employed HR director in various economic sectors, Laurence Pastre chose to continue to exercise her passion as a profession as an independent. It offers its human resources skills to VSEs, SMEs and ETIs in .

It responds to the specific needs of clients, both on the subjects covered (recruitment and integration, legal security, career paths, annual and professional interviews, management, single document, CSE elections etc.) and on the time spent and the duration of the mission operational. It strives to transmit knowledge and good practices so that the manager and his teams improve their HR skills.

She intervenes operationally, in other words, she does things, like a craftsman. Neither advisor nor coach, she is present and active within the teams in the workplace, her hands in the engine.

Independent of course, but not alone! Laurence Pastre has joined the national network Right Arm of Managers as a franchisee. Created on the observation that the managers of VSE/SME/SMI/ETI are on all fronts in their companies and have as many needs for expertise as any manager, the executives of the Right Arm of Managers bring their expertise to their territory. expertise, outsourcing, time sharing.

What expertise are we talking about?

General management, finance, sales, marketing and digital communication, HR departments. The Right Arm of Leaders network extends and grows across all territories in and is developing in Spain. It offers its franchisees relevant tools to be even more efficient and even more operational. Right Arm also develops expertise in franchise systems and ecological transition.

In summary, an outsourced, time-sharing operational framework, Swiss HR knife in the Gard, for you, managers of VSE/SME/ETI!

Do not hesitate to contact Laurence Pastre on LinkedIn or by telephone:



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