When you have breast cancer, how to take care of your mental health?

When you have breast cancer, how to take care of your mental health?
When you have breast cancer, how to take care of your mental health?

On the occasion of breast cancer month (“Pink October”), several health stakeholders are mobilizing to raise awareness among the population of the importance of preserving their morale in the face of the disease. This is particularly the case of the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG), the La Tour Hospital, the Groupement Hospitalier de l’Ouest Lémanique (GHOL), the Geneva League Against Cancer, the Geneva Foundation for Screening of cancer, the OTIUM Center and Cancer Support Switzerland. Conferences, workshops, charity concert, giant model of a breast, information stands and sports days are on the program.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, with 6,550 new cases each year in Switzerland (including 450 in Geneva) and 50 among men. Breast cancer and its treatments have a heavy impact on both the physical and psychological well-being of patients. However, taking care of your mental health is essential in the care journey. A series of events on the theme “Good in your head, good in your body” is organized.


Workshops, conferences, stands and other events are planned from Monday 7 to
Thursday October 31, 2024, at the HUG, the La Tour Hospital, the Nyon Hospital and the
Victoria Hall.
Detailed program: https://octetrose-geneve-nyon.ch (posted online Monday September 30 from noon)


Monday October 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
La Tour hospital with the Ramer en rose association
It’s terrible
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
CH – 1211 Genève 14
Two hours of introduction to rowing for prepared and accompanied patients
by the physiotherapists at L’Hôpital de La Tour.

Saturday October 12
We can do it! Building B11 of La Tour Hospital
Patients, former patients and caregivers are invited to
register to participate in several sporting activities (7 workshops of 45 minutes
to discover climbing, fencing, mat Pilates (on a mat), yoga, step,
orienteering and a kilometer challenge)


Friday October 11
Onco-gynecology department at the HUG Maternity
Free hand massages and manicure treatments

Wednesday October 16
Onco-gynecology department at the HUG Maternity
Discussion group so that patients can discuss their experiences.

Tuesday October 8
Nyon Hospital
A series of workshops around the theme of “Well-being” is offered to
patients undergoing treatment at Nyon Hospital:
• Session on nutrition, by the team of dieticians from Nyon Hospital
• Makeup lessons
• Adapted physical activity session, by the Physiotherapy Department of
Nyon Hospital


Wednesday October 9, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Quality of life, a factor in the effectiveness of breast cancer treatments
Audience Marcel Jenny. HUG
Free, without registration
To improve the experience of people affected by breast cancer
many possibilities exist: sport, relaxation, artistic activities and
cultural, nutrition, etc. All these activities help to improve the condition
physical and mental health of people affected by the disease. Be in shape and
maintaining your morale helps to better tolerate treatments. This conference
will take stock of the resources that can be mobilized.
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
CH – 1211 Genève 14
• Psychosocial, physical and community support for well-being in
cancer. Carine Karnouk, PhD, practicing psychologist and researcher,
association Cancer Support Switzerland, Genève
• Listening to your emotions, a key to taking care of yourself.
Caroline Tesse, health coach and sophrologist, association La vie Kintsugi,
• Complementary therapies: myth or reality? Simona Perano,
clinical pharmacist, HUG

Tuesday October 29 at 6 p.m.
Caregivers: the right balance.
The art of finding your place
Federation of French-speaking businesses (FER)
Rue de Saint-Jean, 98, Geneva
Free, registration via the site: https://octorose-geneve-nyon.ch/
The event explores the multiple facets of caregiving through
advice, leads and testimonies from experts, personalities
public and anonymous.
Reception from 5:30 p.m., an aperitif punctuates the event
The round table is moderated by Dr Alexandre Bodmer, oncologist at
La Tour Hospital.
• Thierry Apothéloz, State Advisor at the Department of Cohesion
social, presents the activities and projects of the Cantonal Seniors Service and
of close assistance.
• Michel Leeb, actor, and his wife Béatrice Leeb, talk about their
experience of parents alongside their daughter Fanny, singer, touched
by cancer.
• Dr Guillaume Favre, psychiatrist and psychotherapist takes his look
expert on the feelings of caregivers.
• Véronique Petoud, cantonal delegate for caregivers,
specifies the outlines of the service dedicated to Geneva.
• Léonore de Saint-Pierre tells how she accompanied her mother
despite the geographical distance.
• Arianne Torné, psychologist and sexologist for the OTIUM Centers discusses
the sometimes taboo question of intimacy during illness.


Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
CH – 1211 Genève 14
Wednesday October 9, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Breast cancer and hyperbaric medicine Main hall of HUG – Rue Gabrielle-
Perret-Gentil 5, in Geneva

Discover how cancer develops in the breast thanks to a model
giant and learn more about the usefulness of hyperbaric medicine in the treatment
charge you cancer.

Monday October 14
Breast cancer awareness stand
Cafeteria of B1 of La Tour Hospital
Breast cancer awareness stand intended for patients, run by Martine
Tyrode-Moreau, breast cancer referent nurse at La Tour Hospital and
Cecile Baux-Coutau of the Geneva Foundation for Cancer Screening.


Throughout the month of October
The female breast, exhibition by Hélène Dutrem. Reception of the Hospital building B11
of The Tower

Throughout the month of October
Pink October wall for the La Tour Hospital Foundation
Reception hall of La Tour Hospital (buildings B2 and B11)
Participate in the progressive creation of the Pink October wall for the benefit of the Foundation
of the Tower Hospital. The ribbons that make up the wall are sold for 1.- CHF each.

Sunday October 13, from 5 p.m.
Ludwig van Beethoven, Concerto No. 3 in C minor for piano and orchestra
Georges Bizet, Excerpts from Airs from Carmen
The Musicians of Hope under the direction of Ahmed Hamdy. With Marie-Claude
Chappuis, mezzo-soprano, and Marie-French of Bourgknecht on piano.
Victoria Hall, Rue du Général-Dufour 14, Geneva – CHF 50.- (CHF 10.- students and
students / CHF 25.- AVS) / reservation essential
Organized by the Save your Mind association, whose aim is to help people
suffering from serious illnesses to carry out projects and thus maintain morale.
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
CH – 1211 Genève 14
Reservations: https://billetterieculture.geneve.ch/selection/event/date?productId=10229185881131



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