The CCI Val-d’Oise invites manufacturers to an evening dedicated to HR

The CCI Val-d’Oise invites manufacturers to an evening dedicated to HR
The CCI Val-d’Oise invites manufacturers to an evening dedicated to HR

The CCI Val-d’Oise and the urban community Valparisis organize, the Thursday October 10, an evening dedicated to solutions RH for industrialists, called “Industry Expert Meeting: industrialists, recruit with complete peace of mind!”.

Companies in the sector are invited to discover concrete solutions and to discuss with experts.

Recruitment in the industrial sector, a challenge

Shortage of skills, high expectations of candidates or even increased competition, the recruitment in the industrial field is a real challenge in a fluctuating economic context.

Industrial leaders are expected more precisely from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Val Parisis Agglo headquarters, located at 271, Chaussée Jules César, in Beauchamp.

Existing aid and support, testimonials, expectations of candidates… Participants will be able to meet experts and discuss best recruitment practices.

The evening will be hosted by Stéphane Beaupère, industry expert at CCI 95, Mauricette Loko, HR advisor at CCI 95, Marie-Hélène Petrucci, manager of the temp agency Uppercut Search,Stéphanie Fezelot, territorial mission manager of Work and Corinne Baracassa, director of the France Travail agency in and representative of the industrial sector in the territory.

Free event, upon registration. Additional information and registration on the cci website.



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