“We are heading towards the most poorly organized elections in Senegal”

“We are heading towards the most poorly organized elections in Senegal”
“We are heading towards the most poorly organized elections in Senegal”

Abdou Mbow, guest of the Sunday Jury, believes that: “We are heading towards the most poorly organized elections in Senegal. »

“The new regime is looking for the little beast everywhere because we are heading towards elections,” declared this Sunday on I Radio, the deputy spokesperson for the Alliance For the Republic (APR, Abdou Mbow.
Elections which, he believes, “should not be held on the chosen date because the law is violated in the process”. “They violated the law with the decree summoning the electoral body. There is a flagrant violation of the law,” he insisted.
Abdou Mbow deplores the actions of this government which, according to him, undermine the democratic foundations of Senegal: “These people are not legalists and giving them a majority is synonymous with installing dictatorship in this country. They are going to carry out the most poorly organized actions in the history of the country and it will taint our democracy.”

For the former MP, it is up to the people to slow down this machine which is racing and the opposition is playing its role to “establish a full-scale coalition in order to confront and impose cohabitation in the national assembly. “.



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