locally trained electricians to install charging stations in

locally trained electricians to install charging stations in
locally trained electricians to install charging stations in Reunion

As the market for electric vehicles continues to increase on the island, eleven electrical installers have followed specialized training with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of La Réunion (CCIR). This theoretical and practical approach will allow these professionals to participate in the maintenance, management and installation of future charging stations in .

Published on September 29, 2024 at 10:50 a.m.,
updated September 29, 2024 at 12:56 p.m.

According to the Multiannual Energy Program (PPE), as of January 1, 2024, 15,000 electric vehicles were in service on the roads of Reunion. In 2028, according to estimates, there will be between 41,000 and 58,000 electric vehicles on our island.

As part of this energy transition, to follow this increase in the number of electric vehicles in the Reunion automobile fleet, eleven electricians underwent specialized training at the Port to be able to install charging stations in the four corners of the island.

Watch the report from Réunion La 1ère:

Electric vehicles: electricians trained locally to install charging stations in Reunion

©Reunion the 1st

For the second year in a row, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Reunion Island (CCIR) has opened training to enable electricians to acquire skills that they will put directly to the service of their company or to their company’s customers .

Electric vehicle battery charging is an evolving field. The CCIR was keen to train Reunion operators locally.

Companies must be qualified to carry out the design and commissioning of these charging stations and also energy management. So, we set up a partnership between the CCI of La Réunion and “Schneider electic” to be able to provide this training locally: construction, maintenance and electrical control of the terminals.

Hélène Magné, director of the technical training sector at the CCIR

In terms of electric mobility, 2023 has been “a pivotal year”informed the Regional Energy and Climate Agency in its energy balance report published last August.

“The PPE forecast, set at 10,600 electric vehicles in circulation, was exceeded with a fleet of 11,342 vehicles”underlined SPL Énergies, especially since in 2023, 13% of purchases of new private vehicles are electric vehicles, a statistic which shows a certain dynamic for the years to come, hence the interest in “put more electrical terminals in Reunion”.

“Today, it’s for our company. We are going to install terminals for employees who will be equipped with electric cars. As we know that there are more electric vehicles, we are updating ourselves on the installation of these terminals”says Laurent Alciope, team leader at the SBTPC. Bruno Albac, assistant project manager, shares his colleague’s opinion. “We know that all buildings will be required to equip themselves with charging stations, so we know that there is demand, that’s why we are training”he said.

The eleven trainees have prerequisites in electricity. This week they learned additional skill levels.

Trainer Benoît Van Acker explains that there are three levels of training: “level 1 is acquired over one day, level 2 is over two days. Then there is level 3 over two days, which could be between one to five days”.

This training concerns the installation and configuration of terminals. Afterwards, there will be specialties such as network studies, for example, to carry out sizing studies in terms of terminal settings in order to power them correctly.

Benoît Van Acker, trainer

In Reunion, there are currently between 400 and 500 charging stations installed. This month, at Possession, 30 new charging stations have been installed. They will be operational on 14 sites in the municipality by the end of the year.

And the energy transition continues.By 2028, Sidelec’s objective, the Intercommunal Electricity Syndicate of Reunion, is to install 1,700 charging stations on the island.



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