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Customs on the heels of Gorasia Hitesh / The CEO of Senegindia ordered to pay 17 billion following imports of prohibited goods.

Customs on the heels of Gorasia Hitesh / The CEO of Senegindia ordered to pay 17 billion following imports of prohibited goods.
Customs on the heels of Gorasia Hitesh / The CEO of Senegindia ordered to pay 17 billion following imports of prohibited goods.

The general director of the company Senegindia SA is in deep trouble. Mr. Gorosia Gopal HITESH, since it is him who is in question, is in conflict with the Senegalese customs who are demanding the sum of 17 billion FCFA from him. Indeed, the company Senegindia SA, represented by Mr. Gorosia HITESH, is accused of having imported, without declaration, prohibited goods following diversions from the preferred destination of goods subject to customs duty.

Being the subject of targeting for the purposes of general verification of its commercial operations, the in-depth examination of commercial, accounting, banking and customs documents from the period from 2019 to 2023 revealed that imported equipment subject to customs duty was subject to irregular transfers to third party companies. In the meantime, when questioned, the heads of the services contested the declarations of the service (DED) on the grounds that they had received authorization from the Minister responsible for Finance to make the transfers.

According to information from DakarActu and ConfidentelDakar, the diversion of destination concerns goods subject to customs duty amounting to 13 billion FCFA.

Thus, the disputed value to which the offense relates is estimated at thirteen billion three sixty-seven million seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight (13,367,759,988) CFA francs, to which are added duties evaded valued at three billion eight hundred and forty-seven million two hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and twenty-four (3,847,241,324) CFA francs.

Noting all his infractions, under report on August 24, 2024, the general director of Senegindia SA, GORASIA HITESH, is called to appear within the time limits provided for by law, in the absence of an administrative regulation, before the High Court of Dakar, to be sentenced to the following penalties: Confiscation of the equivalent of the object of fraud, i.e. an amount of seventeen billion two hundred and fifteen million thousand three hundred and twelve (17,215,001,312) CFA francs, the payment of a fine equal to the amount of the value of the confiscated objects, i.e. the sum of seventeen billion two hundred fifteen million thousand three hundred and twelve (17,215,001,312) CFA francs and a prison sentence of (06) months to five (05) years.



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