Abusive mushroom picking: police seize 75 boxes collected illegally in a park

Abusive mushroom picking: police seize 75 boxes collected illegally in a park
Abusive mushroom picking: police seize 75 boxes collected illegally in a park

75 crates of illegally collected mushrooms were seized in Drôme, which represents 375 kg of merchandise.

Mushroom picking is highly regulated by law. The National Forestry Office points out that it is tolerated in the context of family consumption, and therefore without exceeding 5 liters per person per day, when conventions or decrees govern picking in national and regional parks. But in Drôme, some have gone far beyond the limits.

The Drôme prefecture announced on Saturday September 28, 2024 that 75 boxes of mushrooms had been seized. This represents 375 kg of merchandise, the mushrooms were collected illegally in the regional park.

They risk a (very) heavy fine

The referral work was carried out by the Drôme gendarmerie and the National Biodiversity Office, as part of an environmental protection mission. The National Forest Property Center warns that improper mushroom collection is punishable by a fine of 750 euros (if quantity less than 10 liters) up to 45,000 euros. The sanction may be accompanied by a prison sentence, up to 5 years of imprisonment in the event of aggravating circumstances (violence, acts of degradation, etc.).

In regional or national parks, article L. 411-1 of the environmental code “strictly prohibits the picking of mushrooms when a particular scientific interest or the needs for the preservation of biological heritage justify their conservation”.



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