Pope in Belgium: The population will be able to greet Pope Francis in four places

Pope in Belgium: The population will be able to greet Pope Francis in four places
Pope in Belgium: The population will be able to greet Pope Francis in four places

The Holy Father will arrive in our country on the evening of Thursday 26th, but there is no point in traveling on that day. Instead, wait until Friday or Saturday, when three opportunities to see and greet the Pope are offered to you. The last one will be on Sunday at the stadium.

Louvain, September 27

For his first afternoon with us, the Pope will be in Leuven to meet the students. The public will then be able to gather around the Sint-Pieter church and the town hall to greet him. And this, from 17:30. It is not necessary to register in advance. However, it is recommended to be present on time and no later than 16:30. More information is available via the KU Leuven website.

Koekelberg, September 28

On Saturday 28 September, it will be possible to greet the Pope from 9:45 am in front of and around the Basilica of Koekelberg. This time, individual registration is required at https://accreditationpopevisit.be/basilica. A confirmation document with QR code will be sent by e-mail and must be presented with the identity card at the entrance to the secure area of ​​the Basilica. Access via gates no. 7 (avenue des Gloires Nationales) and no. 10 (avenue du Panthéon). There will be no parking near the Basilica.

Louvain-la-Neuve, September 28

After Koekelberg in the morning, the Pope will travel to Louvain-La-Neuve. There, the public will be able to welcome the Pope from 5:45 pm in the car park in front of the Aula Magna. Only people registered with UCLouvain or the municipality of Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve will have access to the security perimeter. For more information, visit the websites of the university and the municipality.

Heysel, September 29

On the last day of the Pope’s visit to our country, Sunday 29 September, Pope Francis will be welcomed by the general public from 9 am along a route between Brussels Expo and the King Baudouin Stadium (Miramar and Empress Josephine Charlotte Avenues and part of Houba de Strooper Avenue). It is not necessary to register in advance, but those wishing to participate must arrive no later than 8:40 am.

Getting there

For all sites, it is strongly recommended to use public transport and to arrive in advance. Within the security perimeter, flags, banners and posters, drones and any blunt objects (knives, penknives, etc.) are prohibited. Backpacks are also prohibited, as searches are not possible.

As a reminder, all seats at the King Baudouin Stadium for the Eucharist with Pope Francis on Sunday, September 29 have been allocated. The organizers remind that entry to the stadium is only possible for the 39,000 people who can present a personal ticket. The celebration will be broadcast live on radio, television and other channels. Broadcasts may also be initiated in parish churches.
At the Basilica of Koekelberg, 3,200 people, including some people with reduced mobility, will be able to follow the celebration on giant screens. Pre-registration is required via https://accreditationpopevisit.be/broadcast.

Volunteer for reception at the King Baudouin stadium

The organizers are still looking for volunteers to welcome and seat the faithful at the Mass at the King Baudouin Stadium this Sunday, 29th. Less than fifty people are missing to complete the team of volunteers. This involves a few important modalities:
By becoming a volunteer, you agree to attend the dress rehearsal of the mass on Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 6pm at the stadium. And the next morning, you are asked to be at the stadium from 5am.
If you are interested, please send your application to the following address: [email protected].



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