ÉTS celebrates the appointment of Suze Youance as an independent senator

ÉTS celebrates the appointment of Suze Youance as an independent senator
ÉTS celebrates the appointment of Suze Youance as an independent senator

MONTREAL, THE Sep 26, 2024 /CNW/ – The École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) would like to express its great pride at the announcement of the appointment of Suze Youance as an independent senator in the Senate to represent Quebec. Graduate and lecturer in the Department of Construction Engineering, Ms. Youance was a colleague and lecturer most appreciated by the entire community, a true role model for young women in engineering. This appointment, made by the Governor General of CanadaHer Excellency, the Right Honorable Mary Simontestifies to a remarkable journey and the commitment of Ms. Youance towards society. His professional, academic and community career embodies the fundamental values ​​of ÉTS: training responsible citizens and responding to current challenges in society.

Suze Youance. Photo credit: ÉTS. (CNW Group/School of Higher Technology)

A remarkable journey

Suze Youancegraduated with a master’s degree and a doctorate in engineering from ÉTS, distinguished herself by her expertise in earthquake engineering, a field influenced by her childhood in Port-au-Princein Haiti. His interest in this specialization was deeply marked by the tragic events of the 2010 earthquake, which devastated his native country.

Before joining ÉTS, Suze continued her studies at the State University of Haiti, known for its very competitive admissions process. Building on her academic background, she also worked for eleven years for Canadian cooperation in Haiti where she contributed to the development of development policies in Haiti, including various crisis exit programs.

“We are extremely proud of the appointment of Suze Youance. Her commitment to more inclusive and more human engineering, which earned her the appointment of ÉTS Ambassador, demonstrates her desire to create a positive impact within our community and in society in general. Its support of women and young engineers highlights the importance of inclusiveness and diversity. His career illustrates how engineering can respond to the major humanitarian and environmental challenges of our time, while reflecting the values ​​of our institution.”

Kathy Baiggeneral director and CEO of ÉTS.

Thanks to her studies and commitment, Suze has acquired solid expertise, occupying positions such as design engineer at CIMA+ and structural project manager at FNX-INNOV. This appointment to the Senate highlights the impact of ÉTS graduates, whose contributions influence national issues and go beyond the academic framework.

An ambassador of choice for ÉTS

As ÉTS Ambassador — Research and Innovation 2020, leader of the Women in Engineering community of practice at ÉTS and ambassador of the G-CHANGE program, Suze Youance has encouraged many young women to pursue careers in science and engineering, inspiring them to believe in their potential. A model for future generations, she particularly inspires women engineers and those from diverse backgrounds. It instills them with the confidence to succeed in traditionally underrepresented fields.

Very involved in the Haitian community of Montreal, she is president of the board of directors of the Office of the Haitian Community of Montreal (BCHM). In addition to being the president of the scientific committee of the UNESCO research chair “Women and science for development” in Haiti.

In recognition of his career and contributions, Ms. Youance received the Casimir Gzowski Gold Medal from the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering as well as the Mathieu Da Costa of the League black people from Quebec. Suze Youance also hosted the show Génie d’ici on Savoir media, where she met engineers and scientists looking for solutions to meet global environmental challenges.

ÉTS is delighted to see such an accomplished graduate play a central role in national discussions on critical issues for the Canada and Quebec, and wish him all the success in his new functions. This appointment reflects ÉTS’s commitment to inclusive, sustainable engineering that brings positive change to society.

About ÉTS

Specializing in university teaching and applied research in engineering and technology, ÉTS is the first engineering faculty in Quebec and the second largest in Canada. Its cooperative education model and its fifty scientific clubs and student groups push its committed community to undertake and innovate to have a significant effect on the technological development of society. ÉTS maintains unique and privileged links with the business community and industry: 70% of its research activities are carried out with and for companies in Quebec, Canada and internationally; it has established itself as a key player in the innovation cycle, notably by setting up Centech, ranked among the ten most successful incubators in the world.

SOURCE School of Higher Technology

Information: Sophie Dubuc, Public Affairs and Government Relations Department, ÉTS, [email protected]



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