Morocco accelerates in car racing

Morocco accelerates in car racing
Morocco accelerates in car racing

The Moroccan Economic Center (CMC) has just published number 371 of its monthly review “ Morocco Economy“, a special issue dedicated to a current theme: the economic system and the mechanisms to support social development. This issue offers an in-depth analysis of the current challenges and opportunities for the Moroccan economy in a context of global transformation.

According to the CMC, several major topics are covered in this new issue, including: “ how to escape the trap of middle-income economies« , « the rise of artificial intelligence technologies in Morocco« , « electric batteries and prospects for the Moroccan automotive sector« , « the implications of Morocco’s new ranking« , « the development of broadband Internet ” as well as ” reform of companies and public establishments“. So many themes which, together, outline a vision of the paths to follow to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth.

In particular, the Center emphasizes the need to overcome the “ trap of middle-income economies“, a challenge that Morocco, like other emerging nations, faces. Although significant progress has been made in recent decades, the CMC reports that the dynamic of convergence with developed economies is showing signs of running out of steam.

The key to unblocking this situation lies, according to the Center, in accelerating structural reforms. These reforms aim in particular to modernize the economic architecture, diversify productive structures, improve productivity, while strengthening social inclusion. The strategy adopted by Morocco is fully in line with this logic of transformation.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in Morocco is also a focal point of this issue. The CMC underlines that the Kingdom is experiencing notable dynamism in this field, with concrete applications in voice recognition, image analysis and natural language processing. However, the Center specifies that while infrastructure and data management have progressed, the technology and governance sectors lag behind other nations undergoing digital transformation.

Another major part of this publication concerns the reform of public companies and establishments. The CMC recalls that this reform aims to strengthen State intervention in essential sectors such as health, energy, water and the environment. At the same time, it must allow public companies to play a strategic role in Morocco’s economic integration with its continental and international partners, while stimulating private investment and making the Moroccan economy more competitive.

This analysis comes in a context of recovery in the Moroccan economy, despite a particularly tense global situation. This resilience offers new opportunities for development and growth, notably through investments in key sectors. According to the latest forecasts from Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), the Moroccan economy is expected to record a slowdown in growth to 2.8% in 2024, before rebounding to 4.4% in 2025.

This anticipated slowdown for next year is largely attributable to an expected drop of 6.9% in agricultural value added, an assumption based on an average cereal harvest of 55 million quintals. On the other hand, in 2025, agricultural growth could reach 8.6%, according to central bank projections.

On the non-agricultural level, the dynamic remains positive with forecast growth of 3.9% for 2024 and 2025, supported by the good performance of the industrial, extractive and tourism sectors. BAM also notes that, despite agriculture’s dependence on climatic hazards, other sectors continue to benefit from a sustained recovery, a trend which should increase with the rise of public and private investments.



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