The removal of a parking lot in favor of a body of water is still debated in this town of Val-d’Oise


Daniel Chollet

Published on

September 26, 2024 at 5:06 p.m.

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Calm seems a priori to have returned to the town center of Bessancourt (Val-d’Oise). Recently opened to the public, the face of this new one-hectare park is revealed. After the noise of the excavators and that of the slogans chanted by the opponents of the project, who had demonstrated to say no to the removal of parking spaces and the closure of the Grande rue between the old post office and the church, the tranquility was restored. imposes itself around this bucolic place.

“It’s quite successful” according to the mayor

With its pond, its green spaces, its games and the redesign of the path, this new Center-Bourg is, for the mayor (Dvg) of Bessancourt, Jean-Christophe Poulet,

“rather successful. We now have a green setting popular with families, a truly beautiful green lung of one hectare which is added to the 1.5 hectare of the castle park. We are thinking of connecting the two by a cycle path.”

There are still some arrangements and a bird nesting box to install. Everything must be finished in the spring.

A park also appreciated for its new creperie. A new establishment launched by a couple of nurses undergoing professional retraining, which is always full.

But as during the preparatory phase of the work, the Pour Bessancourt collective, which has since become the association “for the defense of heritage and the living environment” Better living in Bessancourtchaired by François Rochard, is still strongly opposed to this achievement.

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In its September bulletin, the association does not hide its annoyance. “Let’s stop these so-called ecological pseudo speeches! Undoing and redoing has never been sustainable, especially with taxpayer money. »

Lack of parking spaces according to the Mieux vivre association in Bessancourt

It is mainly the question of parking that is in the crosshairs.

“We readily recognize that this new park is welcoming but its development was done to the detriment of the elimination of sixty parking spaces which are sorely lacking for businesses, public services, during masses and ceremonies at the church and local residents . How will we be able to welcome the public when the Paul-Bonneville village hall reopens? The military parking lot was already saturated at the end of the week. »

For the mayor of Bessancourt, this question of parking spaces is a false problem and “the last bone to gnaw” for opponents of the project.

“The City now has two parking lots on the base. They are not saturated, insist Jean-Christophe Poulet and his chief of staff, Damien Delrue, former mayor (Dvd) of Luzarches. There are even more parking spaces than before, except that it’s further away. 200 m is not dramatic. Elected officials and municipal services also lost the spaces dedicated to them. We too participate in this physical exercise! “.

According to the mayor, “we must no longer develop and think about the city in relation to cars”

The mayor of Bessancourt thinks “we should no longer plan and think about the city in relation to cars”.

While the restoration work on the church and the Grande rue is still to be carried out, the question of restaurants remains. After the opening of the creperie, the Mieux vivre association in Bessancourt is growing impatient.

What about the 4 or 5 restaurants announced?

“The City announced at the end of 2022, the creation of five restaurants in the city center. Was it realistic and viable? Currently, only the creperie located in the town hall park has opened.”

Response from Jean-Christophe Poulet:

“We still have the project for a Lebanese restaurant in place of the old kebab shop for spring 2025, as well as the chef’s residence in the old post office, for which we have launched a call for projects.”

The mayor also says he is in contact with two project leaders to open a store next to the Ccas. “We also have our Asian caterer, opposite the town hall, who wants to develop catering. »

The City emphasizes that it takes care in selecting the projects. “We choose qualitative gastronomy,” insists Damien Delrue, rather than street food.

News that is (finally) unanimous

Where everyone agrees, or almost, is the creperie… The discord seems to fall again after the legal conflict (appeal) around its establishment.

“Come discover and savor its crepes and pancakes. The feedback from the first customers is excellent,” says Mieux vivre in Bessancourt.

Jean-Christophe Poulet confirms:

“It’s always full. Everything is booked until mid-October, it’s a success! »

The elected official was convinced that after the controversy, everyone would get together, like at the end of the Asterix albums, around a good meal. Food sometimes brings human beings together.

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