The department of Meurthe-et- will experiment with an emancipation income for young people

The department of Meurthe-et- will experiment with an emancipation income for young people
The department of Meurthe-et-Moselle will experiment with an emancipation income for young people

In Meurthe-et-, young dropouts will soon be able to receive 500 euros per month. The Department voted to experiment with an experimental income on Wednesday September 25. This income will be paid for twice six months, will be conditional on concrete reintegration steps and can therefore be interrupted, if they are not concrete enough.

The target audience is very specific, young people aged 16 to 23, as Chaynesse Khirouni, president of the departmental council, explains: this emancipation income “is primarily aimed at young people in greatest difficulty, those furthest from employment, those we call, let’s say, dropouts. And it turns out that many young people, from 16 years oldcome out of the devices, come out of the radars and have difficulty inserting themselves“.

“This represents nationally approximately a little less than 100,000 young people. For the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, we are out of 2,000 young people“, she believes. Young people by definition unknown to the battalion, therefore.

We will have to detect them with town halls and local missions. This income will be tested for three years, 1 million euros have been budgeted for the moment. And the president especially wants through this initiative that the place of young dropouts in finally enters the public debate. Social dropout, for many different reasons, can start very early, at the end of compulsory education, around 16 years old.

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