Federal Council’s economy plan sparks strong reactions – rts.ch

Reactions were swift after the Federal Council announced on Friday the planned savings, which aims to save 3.6 billion in 2027, particularly to the detriment of social security. The cantons in particular are opposed to any transfer of charges, like the canton of Vaud, which sees it as a direct threat to its energy bill.

The cantons reject any transfer of charges, they repeated on Friday after the announcement of the Federal Council’s savings programme. They intend to “closely examine” the measures presented.

The Federal Council has taken into account certain requests from the cantons with a view to the project “Désentêtrement 27 – Distribution of tasks between the Confederation and the cantons”, acknowledged the Conference of Cantonal Governments (CdC).

Launched this summer by the Confederation and the cantons, this project is intended to clearly define the responsibilities in carrying out tasks and to strengthen efficiency at the federal and cantonal levels. Each level must then be able to adopt the cost-cutting measures deemed necessary within the limits of its responsibilities.

The cantons nevertheless believe that “several inadequate measures remain” in the project presented and that it still needs to be modified.

Climate policy subsidies cutbacks jeopardize Vaud energy law

Valérie Dittli, Vaud Minister of Finance

“The savings measure in subsidies for climate policy, which is in the order of 40 million for the canton of Vaud, jeopardizes the Vaud Energy Law: we will not be able to maintain the plan as it is currently planned”, illustrates the Vaud State Councilor in charge of Finance Valérie Dittli in the RTS Forum program on Friday.

If we add to this the other cuts, of several tens of millions each, in the areas of transport, social policy and out-of-home care, “that’s 200 million to find in our budget”, underlines the Vaudois treasurer.

>> The interview with Valerie Dittli and Damien Cottier in Forum:

The Federal Council wants to save 3.6 billion in 2027: interview with Valérie Dittli and Damien Cottier / Forum / 13 min. / yesterday at 6:00 p.m.

The PLR ​​is the only party satisfied

The savings proposed by the Federal Council are a “courageous first step”, reacted the PLRThe right-wing party, which rejects any new taxes, is encouraging the government to go even further.

“It is now urgent to spend less, and not to take more money from the wallets of the middle class,” wrote the PLR ​​in a press release, noting that the objective of 3.6 billion in savings by 2027 is “a little lower” than what had been proposed by the group of experts.

For The Centerthe plan presented focuses too one-sidedly on spending. The party is calling for a more balanced proposal. It expects the government to indicate in the draft submitted for consultation where it intends to set its priorities.

>> Read also: The Federal Council wants to save 3.6 billion in 2027, particularly at the expense of social security

Reduce tax subsidies

“Despite slight adjustments, the logic remains the same: the massive increase in military spending must be offset to the detriment of the population, by cuts in the AVS, the financing of day care centers, development cooperation and climate protection,” notes the Socialist PartyAccording to him, there is “a lot of room for maneuver” in terms of revenue, for example by reducing tax subsidies.

This vision is shared by the Green Liberalswho, while welcoming the fact that the Federal Council is cleaning up the finances, warn against the danger of “mortgaging the future by postponing major investments”. “It is imperative to eliminate sectoral tax privileges that only benefit a minority,” they say.

The Greens, for whom the Federal Council “wants to go backwards in terms of climate protection”, are particularly angry. For them, cutting 900 million francs per year in this area “is an unacceptable and purely ideological demonstration of force by the PLR ​​and the UDC”.

Savings “on the backs of federal personnel”

Confederation staff also denounce this savings program which will have “a massive impact” on their working conditions.

The Federal Council “intends to start saving on the backs of federal personnel with 180 million francs in savings until 2028”, notes theConfederation Staff Association (APC). “This is a substantial contribution, especially if we know that the Federal Council has already imposed salary deteriorations in the recent past.”

>> Read also: Motion to align public sector and private sector salaries irritates left

If the increase in the army budget is to be financed by personnel measures, this will lead to increased pressure in all areas, including the Department of Defence (DDPS), the APC believes. It calls for immediate and thorough consultation on the planned measures.

>> See the 7:30 p.m. topic on the increase in the army budget:

National Council wants to finance 4 billion increase in army budget by cutting development aid
National Council wants to finance 4 billion increase in army budget by cutting development aid / 7:30 p.m. / 1 ​​min. / Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

Union reactions

The government’s announcement also caused a reaction from the unions. For theSwiss Trade Union Federation (USS), the Federal Council should first “put the structural problems on the revenue side in order” before making savings. “Everyone knows that the debt brake is not being applied in accordance with the Constitution,” writes the umbrella organization of trade unions.

“Instead of balanced finances, it produces surpluses – to the detriment of the population. It is also clear that the Confederation must take on more and more tasks from the cantons, because they are not doing the work.” This is the case, for example, with daycare programs or premium reductions, the USS continues. For the latter, the cantons “generate large surpluses and continually take money from the population without doing anything useful with it.”

THE Swiss Media Union (SSM) said it was shocked by the Federal Council’s proposal to waive the contribution to the SSR’s offering abroad, which would mean the end of the news platform swissinfo.ch. This measure would be a further blow to the Swiss media market. Around a hundred permanent employees and more than 100 independent contributors would lose their jobs.

The SSRwhich finances swissinfo.ch in equal parts with the Confederation, describes this measure as “very serious”. “The removal of this offer would be very problematic both for the 813,000 Swiss abroad and for Switzerland’s presence abroad,” writes the SSR in a position paper addressed to Keystone-ATS.

>> Details from Pierre Nebel in the 7:30 p.m. news:

Pierre Nebel returns to the economic plan announced Friday by the Confederation
Pierre Nebel returns to the economic plan announced Friday by the Confederation / 7:30 p.m. / 1 ​​min. / yesterday at 7:30 p.m.

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